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Monday, September 30, 2019
Cadbury conflict Essay
Businesses can come across many conflicts between stakeholders, which are the people that are impacted by the business. Cadbury, the chocolate producer, has started an organization, worth  £9 million pounds, to put sports equipment in school across the UK. Customers would need to save tokens from chocolate bars and give them to the schools. To get the first equipment, 750 tokens are needed. While to allow the school to obtain a variety of different equipment, it needed 2000 tokens. For schools who can’t afford these new equipment, this idea was very appealing. Cadbury’s ‘Get Active Campaign’ was sponsored with deals from Cadbury and the government by top sports stars such as boxer Audley Harrison and runner Paula Radcliffe. However the company and the government were blamed for increasing the rate and the chances of obesity in young people, because they would eat more chocolate through this scheme. Some stakeholders that are affected by this scheme would be the customers, the competition, the workers, the government, and the shareholders. The customers would be affected by this scheme because they increase the problems of obesity in young people, by eating the Cadburys chocolate in order to receive sports equipment. Cadbury would become more popular and common and after people have tried their chocolate through this scheme, it would encourage them to go buy more, which increases the profit for Cadbury. This would also lead to a stiffer competition between other chocolate and food producing companies. This scheme would be known as a fast effective way of advertising Cadburys chocolate. The workers would also be affected because they would be demotivated and therefore are unlikely to produce good quality products or deliver good customers services. Also, through the scheme, Cadbury would spend  £9 million, and therefore, during the process of trying to sell more chocolate and earn more money, their workers would earn a lower salary. The government would be affected because they would be criticized for encouraging children to eat more chocolate. The shareholders are affected because they would receive a lower profit if the profit margin is dropping. The businesses responsibility would be to provide for the population and to fulfil their wants and needs. In this case, Cadbury is providing for both its customers, and the school. It’s responsibility is to also provide jobs for the society. These people make money to support themselves and their families, pay taxes and use their wages to buy goods and services. The businesses responsibility towards competitors would be to be honest in their business practice. The businesses duty towards its workers would be creating a safe work environment, to pay workers of a business a minimum hourly wage, and to pay each worker money owed from working per paid period, including overtime, sick leave, and vacation wages. It is also the responsibility of the business to train workers in safe procedures to minimize the risk of injury. Also it is a business duty to create a working climate that fosters respect and fair treatment of every worker regardless of age, gender, race etc. The businesses responsibility towards the government is to pay taxes, follow environmental regulations (they need to limit the number of pollutants they expel), to maintain law and order etc. Finally, the businesses responsibility towards the shareholders is to build and maintain generosity in the eye of society, to provide goods and services, and to earn a profit and bring money to the company and the investors. Conflicts that might exist between stakeholders would be between society and the company and government. Even though the government supports Cadbury’s ‘’Get Active Campaign†, the general public is speaking that the only candy company is using the concept of being active to lure children to purchase more chocolates. It would also increase the number of calories the children take in (1.2 million) since to receive only one piece of sports equipment (e.g a volleyball set), children must collect $2000. Thus, leading to obesity at a young age. Another conflict that might result is between customers and the company. The customers buying the chocolate might realize that the campaign is just a scheme created to sell more chocolate, yet neglects the importance of healthy exercise. Some solutions to the conflicts that the businesses faces would be that Cadbury should cancel the concept of accumulating chocolate tokens. It is the responsibility of companies to encourage customers to live a fit lifestyle, not a plan to sell more chocolate. In order to solve the conflict, Cadbury should cancel and donate the sports equipment to financially struggling schools as an act of charity. Public relations firms specialize in dealing with negative publicity. There are many ways to solve problems between different stakeholders. Each business stakeholders have their own business objective. They usually have different opinions and have to disagree about some decisions. Finding a solution can satisfy both the conflicting stakeholders.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Religion in China: Chinese Buddhism
As of July 2008, the population of the People’s Republic of China has reached 1,330,044,544 which has always been governed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) since October 1, 1949 (Central Intelligence Agency). Though PRC is under very strict communist control, the country has already opened itself up to the rest of the world after the death of Mao Zedong in 1976. Deng Xiaoping turned the country into a market-driven economy issuing the Open Door Policy and engaging into foreign relations with countries like the United States of America.Aside from rejoining the world affairs, the people also experienced independence after being inhibited by the Cultural Revolution which suppressed all forms of freedom. One kind of freedom that the people have experienced is religious freedom (Central Intelligence Agency). PRC is a multi-religious country; hence, the country has diverse religious practices and beliefs (Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the United States of America) .The major religions, though, in the country are Buddhism, Taoism, Catholicism and Protestantism; however, there are still Chinese who practice traditional folk religions. In 1997, there are already more that 100 million Chinese who devote themselves to the religions mentioned above. Moreover, there are 85,000 locations dedicated to religious activities, 300,000 clergies, more than 3,000 religious organization, 74 schools and colleges managed by religious organizations (Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the United States of America).This paper, though, will center on Chinese Buddhism and attempts to prove that is the country’s true religion. According to Travel China Guide, the most important religion in China is Buddhism. About 102 million Chinese practice Chinese Buddhism, making China the country which has the most number of Buddhists in the year 2007 (Buddhist-Tourism). In 1997, there are already about 13,000 Buddhist temples and 200,000 monks and nuns. In addi tion, there is also a Buddhist Association of China (Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the United States of America).Gautama Buddha and His Teachings In general, Buddhism was formed through a Nepal prince, Siddharta Gautama, of the Shakya family. Ever since he was born in the 6th century BC, he was not aware of suffering of the people outside the palace; however, when he did become aware of this, he got upset and decided to leave the life of royalty. After leaving the life he used to live in the palace, Gautama resolved to practice asceticism for seven years only to find out that an ascetic lifestyle is not sufficient to take away suffering (Theobald).He then added meditation with asceticism and through meditation he was able to formulate inferences which turned him into a Buddha or an â€Å"Enlightened Man. †Afterwards, he went on and spread his teachings called the â€Å"Wheel of Teaching†– where the â€Å"wheel†stood as a symbol of Buddhi sm – and died at Kusinara (Theobald). Gautama Buddha formulated the Four Noble Truths which can be summed up as life is suffering due to the continuous yearning for survival and sensual pleasures (Theobald). Thus, Buddha devised the Eightfold Path that would restrain suffering.This Eightfold Path consists of (1) right views, (2) right intentions, (3) right speech, (4) right action, (5) right livelihood, (6) right effort, (7) right mindfulness and (8) right concentration which can be attained by conforming to a strict moral discipline, avoiding evil actions, doing good, cleansing the mind through mental discipline and mending it through the important aspects of doing good (Theobald). The Buddhist religion has what they call the Three Jewels which consists of the Buddha, the teachings and the community; moreover, the center of any Buddhist world is called Mount Sumeru that has its own Buddha (Theobald).Arrival of Buddhism in China Centuries after Gautama Buddha passed away, Bud dhism was finally able to enter China and began to co-exist with Confucianism and Taoism (Theobald). The Chinese Empire was able to gain contact with Buddhism in the Silk Road where there was a constant movement of traders and missionary. Chinese people were able to mingle with Buddhists from Central Asia – this was made possible due to the spread of Han Dynasty (25 AD – 220 AD) to the Central Asia during the 1st century AD in which increased the interaction of China and Central Asia through trading (BDEA Inc.& BuddhaNet). The Emperor Ming Ti of the Han Dynasty who ruled from 57 AD to 75 AD is said to have been a huge follower of Buddhism and Taoism (International Dunhuang Project). It was said that the Emperor dreamt of a foreign god – this triggered his sudden decision to sent messengers in India to look for Buddhist texts and teachers (Edkins, 88-89). Buddhists from India went to China along with the messengers that the Emperor sent as there is already a dema nd to translate Buddhist texts to Chinese. Buddhist monks like Lokashema, Kaspaya, Dharmaraksha, Kashiammadanga, Anshigao, etc.translated various Buddhist texts like the Shravakanaya texts, the Mahayana texts done by Lokashema, the Sutra of Forty-Two Sections done by Kashiapmadanga (who was said to have died in Lo-yang), Kasyapa and Dharmaraksha, etc. (BDEA Inc. & BuddhaNet; Edkins, 89; International Dunhuang Project). Along with other Buddhist texts being translated, Buddhism was spread more in China leading to the formation of a Chinese monastic order. In addition, there were already monks that are of Chinese decent – the first of them is said to be Anshigao’s disciple (BDEA Inc.& BuddhaNet). However, the Chinese were not able to comprehend the teachings of Buddhism at once for the translators used Taoist terms in order to translate the Buddhist terms; they encountered difficulty in finding the appropriate Chinese words to translate Buddhist concepts (BDEA Inc. & Bud dhaNet). Hence, the Chinese associated Buddhism to Taoism. Buddhism continued to grow despite the fall of the Han Dynasty in the early 3rd century. Translated Buddhist texts kept on going around and monasteries are being put up (BDEA Inc. & BuddhaNet).Chinese monks, like Dao-an, who is considered to be the most excellent Chinese monks of the 4th century, continued to invite translators like Kumarajiva from Kucha, who translated more important Buddhist texts and also revised the early translated Buddhist books (BDEA Inc. & BuddhaNet). Development of Chinese Buddhism In Travel Guide China, the development of Buddhism in China is divided into four periods. The first period is Buddhism in Han Dynasty which was already discussed earlier, it was also in this period where the White Horse Temple was put up which is said to be the first Buddhist monastery in China (Theobald).The second period was in Jin during the 265 AD to 420 AD – at the period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties (385 AD – 589 AD). At the period of Jin, more Buddhist texts were translated, written and spread out, Buddhism became even more popular all over China and there was a growth in number of Chinese Buddhists (Travel China Guide). The third period was from the Sui Dynasty (581 AD – 618 AD) to the Tang Dynasty (618 AD – 907 AD). During these two dynasties, Buddhism reached its peak and its development had been exceptional.This unparalleled development of Buddhism during this period was because the Sui emperors are Buddhists and the Tang emperors accepted the growth of other religions despite being strict Taoists (Travel China Guide). During the Tang Dynasty, Buddhism became a part of Chinese Art, Chinese Literature, Chinese Sculpture, Chinese Architecture and Chinese Philosophy (BDEA Inc. & BuddhaNet). The development was, however, halted during the late feudal society due to the heightening of social unrest in the country (Travel China Guide).The slumped developmen t of Buddhism occurred on the dying period of the Manchu Dynasty when the country got involved in wars against the Great Britain and series of peasant uprisings (ie. Boxer Rebellion) where China got striped off of its land and was divided among western countries and Japan in what was called the Spheres of Influence. The foreign occupation was followed by the fall of the Manchu Dynasty which was caused by the rise of the Nationalists, followed by the rise of the Communists which again triggered another civil revolution in the country which was briefly cut short due to World War II.Nonetheless, Buddhism was able to recover after the establishment of the PRC and even more after the reign of Mao Zedong. In addition, Buddhism has progressed into three different forms, namely, Han Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism and Southern Buddhism (Travel China Guide). Schools of Chinese Buddhism There were different schools of Chinese Buddhism which emerged during the Tang Dynasty. It was said that these s chools were derived from old forms of Buddhism that came to China, however, modern scholars stated that the said connections are most like tampered and flawed.Nonetheless, there are four main Chinese Buddhism schools that surfaced during the 7th century, namely, (1) T’ien-t’ai, (2) Hua-yen, (3) Ch’an, and (4) Pure Land (Lusthaus). T’ien-t’ai School This school was founded by Zhiyi (Lusthaus). He led Chinese Buddhism to a direction different from the path that various Buddhist theories and practices are leading it into. Zhiyi recommended a comprehensive synthesis. The whole T’ien-t’ai school was rooted on the Lotus Sutra – in this school, they view the Lotus Sutra as the carrier of salvation based on practice (China Views).This school is portrayed as principled and meditation- and philosophy-centered. It served as the connector of the developing Buddhism in Northern China as both religion of faith and discipline, and the intelle ctual tradition in Southern China (China Views). Hua-yen School While T’ien-t’ai School was based on the Lotus Sutra, the Hua-yen School has the Avatamsaka Sutra as their root (Lusthaus). The leading belief of Hua-yen School is â€Å"dharmadatu†or the â€Å"universal causation of the realm of the law†(China Views).The said realm refers to the whole of the universe including all of its dimensions while the universal causation is a philosophical development that is purely Chinese. The universal causation is an extension of Buddha’s teachings regarding â€Å"dependant origination†(China Views). Ch’an School The Ch’an School is the result of the reaction that rose against the T’ien-t’ai School and Hua-yen School (Lusthaus). The Ch’an School viewed the two other schools as an impediment towards enlightenment due to their capacious and complicated literatures. This school centers on meditation.Ch’an Sch ool was founded by an Indian monk from Southern India named Bodhidharma who arrived in China around the 5th and 6th century. He taught according to the Lankavatara Sutra and also practiced a tremendously simple mediation (China Views). Pure Land School Unlike the other three schools of Chinese Buddhism which center on devotional elements and rituals, the Pure Land School which focuses on the very fundamentals of devotionalism (Lusthaus). In addition, compared to the other schools, the founder or the origin of Pure Land is not known. However, there are contributors named Tanluan, Dao Chuo and Shandao.Aside from centering on devotionalism, the school also stresses the faith in Amitabha Buddha (China Views). The devotion will be centered on Amitabha in order for him to grant them salvation which is in the form of being born again the in the west pure land. Furthermore, this school has also ignored the need for self-development through the teachings of Buddha regarding the way of salvat ion (China Views). The scriptures that the Pure Land School use are the Larger and Smaller Sukhavati Sutras and the Guan Wuliangshuofo Jing (Lusthaus). Chinese Buddhist Temple and DeitiesThe temples of Chinese Buddhism are built according to the palaces of their imperial family and are definitely unlike the temples of Buddhism from other Buddhist countries like India. It is established facing south and have three cluster of buildings divided by courtyards (BDEA Inc. & BuddhaNet). The first cluster is the front hall where the four massive images of the Four Heavenly Kings (Devas) greet anyone who enters (BDEA Inc. & BuddhaNet). The Devas are the Guardians of the Four Directions and two of each are placed on the right and left. Thus, the hall is called â€Å"Si-Tien Wang Tien†– a name derived from the Four Heavenly Kings (BDEA Inc.& BuddhaNet). Visitors are mostly greeted by the soon-to-be Buddha called Maitreya Buddha, commonly known as the â€Å"Laughing Buddha†or â€Å"Ta-pao Mi-Lei-Fwo. †This particular Buddha is usually the one with a fat paunch. Precisely at the back of the Maitreya Buddha is the Projector of Buddhist Temples and Faith, the great King, Wei-to (BDEA Inc. & BuddhaNet). He appears to be dressed in his full armor and is either holding a staff or a weapon in a shape of scepter. Aside from being the Projector of Buddhist Temples and Faith, Wei-to is also called the Protector of Buddhist Books (BDEA Inc.& BuddhaNet). Wei-to is always built facing the Great Hall or â€Å"Ta-Hung-Pau-Tien†– the second cluster which is separated away from the front hall by either a wall or a courtyard (BDEA Inc. & BuddhaNet). The main altar of the temple is found in this hall, the image of the altar being Sakyamuni Buddha and his two chief students, Mahakasyapa and Ananda, if not, the place of the two students can be replaced by other Buddhas from the past. Even the image of the main altar can be different; temples of Pu re Land Schools will have the image of Amitabha Buddha.Nonetheless, on the both left and right side of the main altar are the two Great Bodhisattvas, Manjusri or Wen-Shu-Shih-Li and Samantabhadra or Pu-Hsien, however, this too can vary (BDEA Inc. & BuddhaNet). The east and west halls of this hall have the assembled figures of the Eighteen Arhats. These Arhats or Lohas are said to be in control of different supernatural powers (BDEA Inc. & BuddhaNet). On the north wall is the images of Dipankara or Jan-teng Fwo and other popular and non-popular Bodhisattvas. There are also instances when the image of the Protector of Buddhism, Kuan Ti, is also found in this hall.The Great Hall serves as the place where the dedicated Buddhists pray and offer flowers, fruits, etc. in the main altar (BDEA Inc. & BuddhaNet). The last cluster is the back hall which is, most of the time, split into smaller halls or smaller rooms. In the center of this hall is usually an altar of a Buddha or a Bodhisattva ( BDEA Inc. & BuddhaNet). The right is usually the funerary tablet of the founder of the temple while the left is usually a hall for either teaching or meditating. Finally, there are living quarters, dining area and kitchen that are located either on the side of the three clusters or at their back (BDEA Inc. & BuddhaNet).Chinese Buddhism in Modern China The Chinese people realized the need for Chinese Buddhism to modernize as early as the 20th century. There were efforts to modernize Chinese Buddhism and these efforts began during the Manchu Dynasty led by Yang Wen-hui by republishing and redispersing Buddhist texts (Lancashire, 220). He also tried to learn the significance of Chinese Buddhism in the modern world as a whole. Through his examinations, he was able to construe that Buddhims goes well with modern science, and, also, Chinese Buddhists have a role to serve – to introduce Buddhism to the outside world particularly in the West (Lancashire, 220).Hence, he encouraged the Chinese Buddhists to recognize the value of modern science and the existing connection between it and Buddhism, and also helped the Chinese Buddhist to prepare for the missionary tasks they have to fulfill in introducing the religion to the west (Lancashire, 221). It continued until the Chinese Buddhist Association was also established in 1929. Membership for the association was divided between the laity and the clergy with the latter having more dominance (Lancashire, 222).During the early stages of the association, it was able to saw of the two most politcally active monks of that period, namely, T’ai-hsii and Yuan-ying. T’ai-shii was said to be the leader of the progressives while Yuan-ying was the major head of the much contemporary ideas (Lancashire, 222). Personal Interest: Marriage Buddhist weddings are usually characterized as worldly and materialistic, however, the couples who are about to be wed always make sure that they will be able to receive the blessing of the monks from local Buddhist temples exactly right after accomplishing the civil registration procedures (BDEA Inc.& BuddhaNet). Chinese Buddhists strictly abide to their religion that even if two people are already married in a civil ceremony, they still need to have a Buddhist wedding in order to be considered as rightfully married (Urban Dharma). Choosing for the wedding day is usually relied on fortune tellers, however, the couple or the their parents could now have the right to choose for the appropriate wedding day (Urban Dharma). Before the wedding, as early as 5:30 AM, the family of the man will go to the house of the woman with trays that they will give to the woman (Walsh and Poremba).Each tray has its own corresponding purpose and may contain things like wine, fruit, traditional and western cake, tea, meat, trau cau and jewelry. One tray will have a pair of candles that will be lit up by the fathers of the soon-to-be groom and bride to represent the union of the two families, in addition, there will also be a tray that will have the traditional gown that the bride will wear for the wedding (Walsh and Poremba).A roasted pig will also be given to the family of the bride; this roasted pork will be cut into three, the family of the woman will keep the middle part while the rest will be given back to the family of the man (Urban Dharma). Afterwards, a tea ceremony will be conducted in which the couple will serve the elders of the woman’s family with tea and, in return, they will give them red packets with money or jewelry inside. The tea ceremony will also be repeated in the house of the man (Urban Dharma).The wedding ceremony will come after, in Buddhist weddings, the groom and the bride will be the ones who will administer the wedding ceremony (Walsh and Poremba). Just as how early the groom and his family went to the bride’s house for the gifts and ceremonies, they groom will again go to the house of the bride, or wherever she is st aying, early in the morning with his groomsmen. Before the groom could enter the house, the friends of the bride will ask him questions that are difficult enough to test if he is suitable for the bride.In addition, another test will be on the financial aspect where the groom will give the bridesmaid red packets with money or jewelry (Urban Dharma). Afterwards, the bride will bid farewell to her family and will pay respects to her ancestors in the their family’s spirit house, the groom will also follow suit, offering a bowl of trau cau to them with him (Walsh and Poremba). The couple along with the bridesmaids and groomsmen will then go to the house of the groom. The mother of the bride and the mother-in-law will put earrings on the bride to signify her virginity (Walsh and Poremba). Respects will again be paid to the ancestors of the groom.Again, a tea ceremony will be held where the groom and the bride will serve their parents. The tea ceremony will symbolize that the couple is married, it is also this ceremony which makes the bride a part of the groom’s family (Urban Dharma; Walsh and Poremba). Professional Interest: Interacting with Chinese Investors The essential beliefs and values of the Chinese are deeply rooted from philosophies and teachings of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism (Miroslawski, 46). Hence, even the holistic configuration of the Chinese society has its origin in the three major philosophies and religions in the country.Thus, in order to fully comprehend the Chinese culture, one must understand the different philosophies that the Chinese believe in and how these philosophies affect their way of life. In his study, Miroslawski (2008) compared and contrasted China and Germany using the cultural dimensions formulated by Geert Hofstede. In the comparison, it was learned that the organizational model of the Chinese emphasized on the necessity of a single supervisor at the top who will give those below instructions that should be fo llowed.This model is due to the Chinese inclination towards extensive power distance and the necessity for them to have an apparent and influential type of leadership (Miroslawski, 46-47). The Chinese are also collective in nature, hence, they always put the welfare of their group over their personal interests (Miroslawski, 47). Chinese have the tendency to not to speak out from the group just so they could maintain their good relationship with one another – this is also the case by not choosing to speak out towards their superiors.Aside from Hofstede’s explanation that if there is a high power distance, there is also high collectivism in the society, the organization model can also be attributed to China’s extended family and patriarchal society. Moreover, it is also due to Confucius’ teachings about filial piety (Miroslawski, 48). It is also because of the fact that Chinese are collectivists that their communication vary from those who are inside their group and those who are outside. This is also due to the huge amount of loyalty that the Chinese put on one another (Miroslawski, 48).Another finding was that China has a very high-context culture, hence, the value on face-saving is high and tremenduously important (Miroslawski, 48). Face-saving refers to instituing, sustaining and intensifying status. Despite being collectivists, the Chinese still give themselves value by having a significant status in the group, still, this reflects only within the group as every group tries to contain all their knowledge within them. In order to comprehend Chinese more easily, then, they must be from a high-context culture as well or at least attempt to study their ways (Miroslawski, 48).Conclusion Chinese Buddhists range from 50% to 80% of the Chinese population, their infrastructures are more than 10,000 in numbers while there are hundreds of thousands Chinese Buddhist monks, nuns, lamas and Buddhas (Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the United States of America; Vipassana Foundation). The Chinese have, indeed, welcomed and nourished the Buddhist religion ever since it arrived in China during the Han Dynasty. Emperors were open enough to accept its unstoppable growth and even allow it continue its development.Despite the turmoils that the country experienced during its fall at the period of the Manchu, the Chinese people still resurrected and modernized the religion in order to make it still fitting with the changing times. It can be said that the Chinese Buddhists are very loyal to their religion that when it comes to marriage, the couple should still be wed in a Buddhist ceremony in order to be considered married. Though the Chinese are no longer particular about having their child marrying another Chinese, they would still want the couple to undergo a Buddhist wedding ceremony.The rituals, the ceremonies and the traditions are still being strictly followed. However, there are practices that were no longer co nstantly done, like parents arranging the marriage of their children, going to the matchmakers, and consultation with forture tellers. Chinese are now allowing their children to chose who they want to marry irregardless of nationality and the couple are also free to choose what day they would like their wedding to be held. Perhaps the most difficult matter where other people from other countries to get along with the Chinese is regarding business.Chinese tends not to share what they know with others even with their fellow Chinese. Moreover, they also wanted to play a big role in a certain agreement. In addition, engaging a business with Chinese might take a lot of time as they will always consult their group regarding the business at hand. These qualities of the Chinese is attributable to their high power distance, collectivism and context culture (Miroslawski, 46-48). Chinese prefer having a someone above them who are capable of leading them irregardless of the circumstances.They w ill always put the best interests of the group their their own and they do not share anything to anyone easily for they find it hard to trust other people, however, they gave their utmost loyalty to their group. This is due to their philosophies and religion – Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism (Miroslawski, 46). 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Saturday, September 28, 2019
Parents and their Children’s Educational Attainment
Never before in the United States have parents been so disgruntled about their children†s education. The main reason behind this massive disruption is that public schools are not living up to parent†s standards. Therefore, parents are taking their children†s educations and futures into their own hands, and doing so quite efficiently. Many parents are turning to [â€Å"an alternative†] means of educating known as home schooling. Home schooling is simply [â€Å"education of school- aged children at home rather than at school. ] Parents are choosing home schooling over public because public schools are not meeting their children†s academic, individual, and handicap needs. First, parents are choosing home schooling over public schooling because public schools are not meeting student†s academic needs. [Parents expect their children will learn to read, write, and acquire basic math skills by the time they graduate. ] However, public schools throughout the United States are failing to teach these basic achedemic skills. Recent studies show that [†Of the 2. million who graduate, as many as 25% cannot read or write at the eighth grade level or â€Å"functionally literate,†level, according to some estimates. â€Å"] This is a tragic statistic for a nation claiming to be so developed. There are more opportunities to education in the United States than any other country in the world, yet evidence shows that the United States ranks [†at the bottom of 19 industrial nations in reading, writing, and arithmetic. â€Å"] In addition, students are ranking lower than ever on Academic Achievement Tests (ACT). Children who attend public schools rank in the [†50th percentile. ] whereas, home schooled children [†typically score at the 65th to 80th percentile†¦. â€Å"] To add to these statistics, [†in December 1989, the education press reported the amazing news that children schooled at home seemed to be five or even ten years ahead of their formally trained peers in their ability to think. â€Å"] These statistics prove that home schooled children are doing better in math, science, reading and writing, compared to children attending public schools. Secondly, parents are choosing home schooling over public schooling because public schools ar e no longer taking student†s individual needs into consideration. Since students are taught lessons based on an academic calendar year, they are expected to be able to complete specific tasks by the end of that year. When students fail to meet these expectations they are required to repeat the same grade the following school year. For example, at the end of a school year if a student is having difficulties reading but doing well in other subjects he or she will be required to repeat the same grade. If students were properly tutored in the areas they are having difficulties in they would not have to repeat the same grades. Unfortunately public schools do not give special tutoring to students like they once did. Teachers in the public school systems are teaching students as though they are on an assembly line. They no longer work [â€Å"one-to-one†¦. â€Å"] with them. Unlike public schooling, home schooling allows parents to teach in a style that best fits their children†s needs. For example if a child is not prepared to move on to a higher level, the parent can continue with similar lessons until the child understands. Also, children are not held back in the same grade if they are lagging behind in particular subjects. Their parents can move them to the next grade and tutor them in the subjects they are having trouble in. Children who are home schooled also get individual attention from their parents. They do not have to worry about waiting for their teacher to find time to help them. In sum, parents are finding that home schooling meets the individual needs of their children better than public schooling. Finally, parents of children with physical and mental disabilities are finding that home schooling meets their children†s handicap needs better than public schooling. A major downfall of public schooling is that handicapped students are graded in the same style as the rest of the students. In public schools, children with handicaps are still expected to complete all of their assignments in the same given time as other students. Teachers are not taking these children†s handicaps into consideration. For example, children with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) have trouble staying focused and are easily distracted. As a result of constantly being distracted, they are not able to complete their assignments. This type of grading style has become a great concern for parents of handicapped children. Because of situations like this one, parents are making decisions to teach their handicapped children at home. By teaching their children at home they are in an environment that is equipped to aid in their development. For instance, children with ADD [â€Å"are in an environment where they cannot be influenced by the action of other children†¦. â€Å"] and cannot be easily distracted. In addition, they have special time to complete their assignments. They can also have all of [†their assignments tailored to fit their abilities and needs. â€Å"] By home schooling children with learning disabilities are given equal chances of succeeding in their education which they otherwise would not get in public schooling. Public schools may have been the center for learning years ago. However, today they are not meeting children†s academic, individual, and handicapped needs. As a result, parents are choosing to educate their children through home schooling. Statistics show that home schooled children are ahead of children who attend public schools by a noticable degree. In addition, Handicapped children are having their needs met better at home more so than in public schools. They are being given an equal chance at succeeding in their education that they otherwise would not have when attending public schools. In summary, parents are choosing home schooling because it currently offers the best solution to their problems facing the public school systems.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Public administration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Public administration - Essay Example It is usually responsible for using a major proportion of national resources raised via taxation to give services to people. Entities in the public sector are accountable not merely for how much they expend but also for the methods they use the resources that they have been assigned. Further, they have an overarching duty to serve the public interest in following the needs of legislation and management policies (Holzer and Schwester 19). Integrity is thus an essential component that the whole entity can display in all its actions as well as has mechanisms. Another component is defining of its intended outcomes that ought to be sustainable. The governing body must ensure that its decisions promote the entity’s purpose, add to planned benefits and result and remain within the limits of authority along with resources. Input from citizens, institutional stakeholders, service users and others is crucial to the success of this course and in balancing challenging demands to establish priorities for the limited available resources. Since technology can be a costly disruption from the hard and non-glamorous work of everyday service delivery besides supervision, it is imperative to balance technology needs versus the irrational attractiveness of this feature of the work (Holzer and Schwester 23). Some of the technologies available for use are mobile phones, portable computers, fax, e-mail, teleconference facilities, voice-activated computers, data-capturing whiteboards and dial-in Web-based appraisal measures. Public sector leaders are expected to uphold a level of integrity and morality that serves the society’s interests and demonstrates diplomacy, personal responsibility, and truthfulness. With these views, the ethical role of the public leader is to serve the public interest while being honest, fair, trustworthy, lawful, and doing the least amount harm (Holzer and Schwester 35). Nevertheless, it is unfeasible to understand completely
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Team Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Team Assignment - Essay Example It advocates for doing the right thing regardless of whether it is causing any harm. In regards to the theories the leading advocates include; Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) who started the utilitarianism. He stated that the morally upright thing to do is that of not harming other people and bringing about happiness. Other Classical Utilitarianism starters include Richard Cumberland (1631-1718), John Gay (1699-1745). On the other hand Kantianism theory was introduced by Immanuel Kant (Melden, 2008). Cultural relativism is defined as a standard initiated by Franz Boaz which indicates that people’s ideas and opinions are factual in accordance to the civilization they are in. Cultural relativism shows that customs, beliefs as well as ethics that are related to a person in the society he is in. simply put is that wrong and right are classified in terms of a person’s culture (Melden, 2008). It shows that no culture is better than the other. In regards to individual relativism this means that a person’s beliefs and opinions are strictly what they believe to be true. Individual relativists usually take what he believes in extremely seriously. Looking at the comparison to the ethical relativism to the traditional theories is easy to see that there are some distinctive differences and some similarities. By definition ethical relativism means that there is a tendency of people making decisions that are ethical based on what they see fit in accordance to their beliefs. Traditional approaches can be classified into two; consequentialism and non-consequentialism (Melden, 2008). Consequentialism means that actions that are right or wrong depend on the consequences; on the other hand non-consequentialism dictates that a wrong or right action does not depend on the consequences. In light of this ethical relativism contradicts with the traditional theories in that the beliefs are not based on the culture one comes
Developing Successful Business Teams Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Developing Successful Business Teams - Essay Example Characteristics of team and its contribution to the overall success of the organisation: Team can be defined as a group of people working together to achieve a common target for the welfare of the organisation. However, Dackert, et al. (2010) cited that in a team, the members complement the strengths and weakness of each other. The characteristics of an ideal team such as in Apple Inc., has been mentioned as under: A team leader: Each of the team operates under a team leader. Team leader directs the right path and motivates the members to achieve the targets. The success of effective teamwork in Apple Inc. depends primarily on the leadership quality of Steve Jobs. A common goal: Each of the team members’ work to meet a common short term and long term objectives that improves the business performance of the company. In Apple Inc., the staff are dedicated to provide unique and innovative technical solutions to the customers. Communication : An effective team work includes free communication among the team members. In Apple Inc., the employees can share the feelings and ideas with each other. Moreover, the staff of Apple Inc .are also allowed having an open communication with the leaders. Measurement of team performance: The teamwork of a particular department is being measured by the managers at a regular interval of time. In the company, the managers conduct a team meeting in every month with the team members to discuss the progress of the ongoing project.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
The impact of EU membership on Finland Research Paper
The impact of EU membership on Finland - Research Paper Example In the table above, it is clear that the main Exports as per the latest statistics in 2011 coming from Finland include; Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials (75.53 %), animal and vegetable oils, waxes and fats (77.21% ) and manufactured goods classified by their materials used to make them (65.13 %). As it is stated, this trend follows the government’s initiatives to set aside more money and resources in the above sectors in general. Considering the case of vegetable and animal oils, fats and waxes, the increased exports can also be attributed to the effort by the farmers to employ modern practices when it comes to products such as agricultural machinery, modern inputs, improved seed and animal variety, and the use of chemical insecticides and fertilizers. The Chemical industry in Finland which has emerged as its largest industry sector has facilitated the large exports witnessed in lubricants, mineral fuels and manufactured goods as the industry produces a wide ran ge of products that are used by another industrial sector such as agriculture, oil products, paints, petrochemicals, plastics and environmental products. Finland’s manufacturing industry has been remarkable in the recent producing some of the best products in the market hence the large exports witnessed in the manufactured goods. Some of the notable manufactured goods include mobile phones by Nokia, paper products by Stora Enso, oil products by Neste Oil and cruise ships by Aker Finnnyards. Its exports have also been facilitated by its sophisticated financial
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Coney Island Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Coney Island Questions - Essay Example He contends that, amusement parks provided relief and respite at the turn of the century for the socio-economic groups striving for ethical and societal status in America. During the nineteenth century, Victorian public order and conventions governed the American society. Kasson quotes, â€Å"Nineteenth-century American was governed by a strikingly coherent set of values, a culture in many respects more thoroughly Victorian than the England over which Victoria reigned†(Kasson, 1978, p. 1). New York presented a sharp contrast due to the socio-economic disparities between the affluent, Park-Ave mansion owners, and poor working families in the slums. Coney Island was the first platform, which brought the economically disparate segments together by providing entertainment for all. Hence, it helped the culture to evolve at the turn of the century. This cultural transition move assisted people in forming their own unique identity. This book enlightens the readers about the emergenc e of a novel culture by portraying the clash between the genteel values and the emerging identities that ensued from industrialization. â€Å"Moral, integrity, self-control, sober earnestness, industriousness- among the citizenry at large†(Kasson, 1978, p. 1) characterized the pre-Coney Island as Kasson wrote. Unfortunately, the vast majority of New Yorkers found it impossible to attain these virtues and consequently, lived in sub-human circumstances. Leisure time was a privilege enjoyed by only the affluent and elite; even though, Victorian values advocated that this time was integral for edifying and informative activities. Such genteel cultural norms encouraged the establishment of parks like the Central Park in New York to provide a retreat to both, the industrial class and elites. Unfortunately, the working class lacked the time or financial resources to benefit from the Central Park; hence, the genteel class primarily benefited from it. However, unlike the Central Park , Coney Island aimed at providing entertainment. Coney Island that constituted of three inter-connected parks, namely, Steeplechase Park, Luna Park, and Dreamland ended up offering categorically different form of entertainment than ever witnessed before as Kasson terms it â€Å"architecture of pleasure†(Kasson, 1978, p. 63). Built on the ideas of Chicago’s Midway, Coney Island provided an opportunity to see the unusual, unheard characters as Kasson writes, â€Å"Midgets, giants, fat ladies and ape-men were both stigmatized and honored as freaks†(Kasson, 1978, p. 50). The illustration of the Streets of Cairo demonstrates that people had the extraordinary opportunity to see a glimpse of the lives of people around the world. Additionally, novel amusement rides like the Ferris wheel provided thrill and adventure; hence, they added color to the mundane working lives of the industrial class. For the first time, men and women were relieved of societal pressure and ha d the opportunity to come together. Not astoundingly, the novel emerging culture was dramatically opposed to the genteel cultural values as Kasson quotes, â€Å"Coney Island in effect declared a moral holiday for all who entered its gates†(Kasson, 1978, p. 50). Thus, Coney Island depicted the cultural transition in the masses from the Victorian values towards the emerging culture. Consumption formed the cornerstone of this novel mass culture. No longer were the working class limited to working and sleeping. Instead, they now had time and money at
Monday, September 23, 2019
1905 Revolution in Russia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
1905 Revolution in Russia - Essay Example The research paper will also discuss why the Russian revolution was unsuccessful. Any changes witnessed due to the revolution will also be discussed in the paper. Introduction The Revolution of 1905 in Russia began on Sunday, January 9. This was after military guards massacred more than one thousand children, women, and men outside the Winter Place of the Tsar. On that Sunday, which came to1 be regarded as the bloody Sunday, 150, 000 workers on strike together with their families marched through St. Petersburg. The reaction to the massacre spread across the industrial centers, which experienced spontaneous strikes of workers (Ascher 2004, p. 68). Moreover, the massacre marked the beginning of armed preparations of workers. Peasants in the countryside extended their views through numerous evictions of landlords. It took more than one year for the Revolution to end and save the reactionary Tsar regime. This was despite the massive support the regime got from reactionaries and capitalis ts. Prior to the 1905 Revolution, Russia had witnessed a significant strike in 1902 and 1903. However, this was not the key factor that triggered the 1905 uprising. The main factor that triggered the Revolution was the Japanese and Russian War in 1904. During this war, Russian troops felt humiliated since the Japanese troops defeated them. As a result, the workers and the capitalist class perceived that the Tsar regime in Russia could easily be defeated. These high hopes of defeating the military triggered the onset of the Revolution. In addition, the War with Japan burdened the peasants and workers; this increased opposition to the Tsar regime. The Revolution can be regarded as an uprising of the Russian people who wanted change in their government (Ascher 2004, p. 70). Timeline of the Events du2ring the Russian Revolution of 1905 A timeline of the events during the Russian Revolution shows the occurrences witnessed during the Revolution. From January 3-8, 120, 000 striking workers marched through St. Petersburg as the government warned them against the protests. On the bloody Sunday of January 9, 150, 0000 striking workers together with their families marched in St. Petersburg. Their main aim was to deliver a protest to the Tsar, but the Russian army shot them down (Ascher 2004, p. 71). The reaction to this massacre spread to the neighboring regions; industries experienced numerous strikes of workers. On February, the strike spread to the Causasus; Grand-Duke Sergei Alexandrovich was assassinated in the height of the protests. During the same month, Nicholas II ordered the creation of an assembly to report on the reforms of the constitution. The following month, the unrest and the strikes reached the Urals and Siberia. On April 2, the second National Congress of Zemstovs demanded a constitutional assembly; this saw the formation of the Unions of Unions. The government got embarrassed on May due to the sinking of the Baltic Fleet, which had spent seven months sailing round to Japan. On June, the government used soldiers to counter strikers in Lodz, and on June 18, Odessa was halted following a massive strike. From June 14-24, there occurred a mutiny of Sailors on Battleship Potemkin. The first conference of the Peasants union was held in Moscow on August; the same month, Nizhnii held the first Congress, which comprised of the Muslim Union (Ascher 2004, p. 72). On August 6, Tsar issued a 3manifesto that detailed the creation of a state Duma; however, this plan faced massive rejection from the revolutionaries on grounds of its weak structure. The treaty of Portsmouth on August
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Concentration of enzymes Essay Example for Free
Concentration of enzymes Essay CONCLUSION: Based on the results obtained from the experiment it can be concluded that the concentration of enzymes influences the rate of a chemical reaction. If enzyme concentration is decreased then the reaction rate will also decrease. If there is sufficient enzyme to bind with substrate then the reaction will proceed fast and if there are insufficient enzymes present then the reaction will slow down DISCUSSION: It was predicted that with the increase of concentration of amylase solution, the time took to break down starch would decrease . This was proved correct , if basing on just these trials . The graph shows how with every single increase of the concentration , the amount of drops until the mixture fails to give a blue-black colour with iodine solution disappear decreased. This continually happened , without any outliers. The trend-line of the graph shows the predicted linear line in the relationship between concentration of amylase solution and the amount of drops until the mixture fails to give a blue-black colour with iodine solution. The amount of drops until the mixture fails to give a blue-black colour with iodine solution with a amylase concentration of 0.1% was found to be 12 drops, which was plotted on the graph. It can be presumed that a higher concentration of amylase is better because it does not take much time to break down the polysaccharide chains and a higher concentration helps to speed up this process. The amylase concentration of 0.1% took only 12 drops until the mixture fails to give a blue-black colour, while the amylase concentration of 0.05% took 21 drops , the amylase concentration of 0.025% took 24 drops and the amylase concentration of 0.01% took 28 drops. Because the purpose of an enzyme is to speed up a reaction, it is logical that amylase would have a higher concentration so it can take less time for it to do its purpose. At higher amylase concentration the time taken until the mixture fails to give a blue-black colour with iodine solution. Despite this, there are sources of error that need to be acknowledge. The trial proved difficult for some, sometimes yielding no results. Another source may be the mixing of the concentration.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Scope Of Relationship Marketing
Scope Of Relationship Marketing The process of identifying the products and services required by the customers and implementing the policies in order to achieve the needs of the customers and developing the product based on it is known as marketing. It is an incorporated process by which the industries concentrates mainly on the requirement and needs of the customers and hence creates customer relationships stronger. Marketing process is implemented in order to recognize the customer, to satisfy the customer and to retain the customer. It is stated that marketing management is one of the important part of business management as it is related with the activities which are focused on the customers. The development of the marketing was originated because of the mature markets and overcapacities over some past few 2-3 centuries. In order to attain profit the industries started to mainly concentrate on the customers rather than the production. Marketing concept means understanding the needs of the customers, knowing the requirement and demand of the market; and reaching the satisfactions. According to marketing concepts, industries must predict the needs and wants of the customers and should always try to satisfy it more than their competent. Scope of relationship marketing The purpose of the relationship management is at its centre if the viewpoint and it also portrays different methods for researching the relationships which the industries enhance along with the internal communities. The scope and the purpose of relationships management has been identified and stated by various authors including (Christopher, et al., 1991; Doyle, 1995; Kotler, 1992; Morgan and Hunt, 1994; Webster, 1992). The relationships management scope contains six markets: internal, supplier, customer, influencer, referral and employee recruitment markets (Christopher, 1991). A previous survey of the six models had placed the customer market at the centre of the relationships marketing. Figure : The Six Market Model Limitations The marketing six models produce very detailed information and there are two important fields in which these six models contain limitations. These limitations should be corrected by all the users implementing these models for decision making in an industry. The limitations contain: The concentration provided more on the short term sales rather than the long term sales. When used for media mix optimization, these models have a clear preconception in favor of time-specific media (such as TV commercials) versus less time-specific media (such as ads appearing in monthly magazines); biases can also occur when comparing broad-based media versus regionally or demographically targeted media. The brand products and varieties are effected due to the long term sales failure. The marketing mix models are not confined by the involvement of the marketing spend on its brand variety. One of the reasons for this is the long time period taken by marketing in order to put an impact on the brand variety will go beyond and continue at the best. The other reason could be the variations in the financial and social areas and this reason or variation will not effect the marketing and the brand variety a lot. In the short term sales the market shares may get worsen day to day but the brand variety will be higher. Hence, this higher brand variety will help the industries to retain the sales and market share. Market segmentation Marketing segmentation is related with the separation of the customers into a single individual carrying the similar requirement and needs. For instance, Kelloggs cereals- the frostiest are marketed to the kids and crunchy nut cornflakes to adults. Here, both the customers are different and both the products are marketed as per the needs and wants of the customer. Market segmentation is performed for two main reasons. The first reason is segmentation permits perfect distribution of the industrys limited resources. An organization contains only limited resources. Hence, it should always select the particular group of customers. Moreover the tastes of the current western customers can be served better. Market segmentation can be further called as STP that is segment, target and position. Account based marketing system Account based marketing (ABM) is also called as key account marketing which is a planned approach to a business marketing where in an industry contacts with every single customer accounts by considering it as single market. This approach is considered as one of the best approaches as some companies like BearingPoint, Progress Software, Xerox and Hp are leading by implementing this approach. Strategies The following are the tactics and steps to choose a correct strategy for any particular accounts: Campaigning: Lead generation campaigns can be formed for fixing the appointments in a huge target accounts. Intelligence: Marketing role in outlining the target account and contacts within to recognize appropriate schemes. Awareness: communications will play a major role in building a positive insight as the awareness of the supplier is very low in target accounts. Sales: marketing also plays a role in supporting the sales proposal in order to progress the exchange rates and to reduce the sales cycle. Advocacy: The cycle will be finished when the customers turn to advocates and also implements to compel further growth in business. Retaining and Developing Customer Relationships In order to make sure long-term banking customer relationships gimmicks and enticing trinkets are not the best approach just like in personal courtships and it has learned by Caribbean retail financial institutions. The customers who are not having any long-term inducement to be with their company will be effortlessly lured by competitors product of the week next week and the best performers know this thing very well. Hence, the business development remains cost efficient with existing customers than planning to obtain new customers. Implementing these inventive strategies which is stands on this knowledge stays very much easy for many industry participants. Task 2 New online marketing technology Structuring and reflecting of social relations and social networks in between the people who share interests and activities is concentrated by a social network service. Social network service generally includes a variety of extra services, representation of each other user (often a profile) and his/her social links. Users can interact by using internet like e-mail, instant chatting as many of the social network services are web based. Online community is treated as social networking sometimes and social networking means an individual focused service and online community deals with groups. In social networking sites users can share ideas, interests and creativity within their individual networks. The major type of social networking services are the one which includes group places, ways to connect with friends and a suggestion system linked to trust. The famous procedures unite many of theseas Twitter and Face book are used globally. The most common sites used in north America are Linkedin and MySpace; in Canada Nexopia is used; in Netherlands- Bebo, Hi5 and Hyves;in Germany-StudVZ ; iWiW is mostly used in Hungary; Tuenti in Spain; Tagged, XING, Decayenne, Badoo and Skyrock are used in some regions of Europe;Hi5 and Orkut in south America and Central America; in India Orkut and Face book; Friendster, Mixi, Multiply, Orkut, Wretch, renren and Cyworld in Asia and the Pacific Islands. There are some steps taken for optimizing the services in order to evade the need to some duplicate entries of the friends and interests, although this has created few security and privacy concerns. Some largest social networking sites have originated a concept of making the world digital, while others concentrate on different sectors from music and books to non profit business to motherhood in order to provide both services and community to the individuals along with the interests shared among them. Additional features Few social networking sites have many added features, which hold skills to make communities that will share the same interests or connections, downloading live videos, having a discussion through forums or blogs. Internet mapping is opted by geosocial networking in order to categorize user involvement in the geographic characteristics and their elements. Mobile social networking has become most popular and the latest trend. Users having a mobile phone social networking can now be able to create their own profile, involve in the chat rooms, make friends, create chat rooms, can distribute or share photos and videos and also can share some blogs. Users of mobile phone are provided every option that people who sit with the computer have. The wireless services provided by some companies allow the customers in building their own communities for mobiles and also permits them to brand it. But, among many, Face Book is the most popular social networking site through the wireless services. Certain innovative features are provided to the site by some companies which give the real world experience. Linkedin.com is one more professional aspect in social networking. With this users can exchange their ideas, information, and the knowledge. This helps the professional to be posted with the updated knowledge in the respective fields. Business model To get membership few of these social network sites charge the user. This is because the concept of social networking is a new service and the value of it is not yet established nicely. Online advertises are given by the companies like MySpace and the Face book. Therefore they take memberships largely and the charges are given in a counterproductive way. Some companies believe that the core information about the user provided in the site can easily be targeted with advertises when compared to any other sites. In these social networking sites the members serves for both the roles that is for the suppliers and as the content consumers. This is kind of autonomous operation in these sites. But, in the world of business, the consumers and the suppliers are quite distinct. Gaining revenue is easier in the business with the means of the advertisement. But this is possible while the level of the content and the memberships are quite high. Several application domains use online marketing. They are: Application for the business Application for the dates Application of the government Applications on the Medical terms Applications on the education Various ways of Marketing Mobility marketing In marketing the mobile marketing can fall in to any of the category. Primarily, the marketing can be described by the mobiles devices such as mobile phone. Secondarily, the marketing is described as a moving with the trends. The Mobile Marketing Association has updated a definition of the marketing for mobile in the year 2009 as: Mobile Marketing is a set of practices that enables organizations to communicate and engage with their audience in an interactive and relevant manner through any mobile device or network. Mobile marketing via MMS Mobile marketing through MMS will include the video, audio, text, and the images. Here the content of the mobile is delivered through the MMS. Now, almost all the mobile phones are capable to send and receive the MMS messages. But the brands can be able to send and receive the messages through the MMS A2P network to its subscribers. In some other networks, brands can also sponsor the messages which are sent person to person. For example: The campaign of the Motorola was initiated by the MMS mobile at the House of Blues Venue. Here the users can send the images and photos to mobile in real time. Mobile marketing via Infrared Infrared is one of the oldest mobile marketing. In late 90s, some of the companies based of Europe, have experimented the shopping window marketing through the free waves of Infrared. The range of infrared is limited and did not establish as a leader in the Mobile Marketing. Viral marketing Viral marketing is something which will encourage the individuals for passing the messages for marketing to others. This will create the potential to growth exponentially with the exposed messages. Like the virus, these strategies will take much advantage of multiplying rapidly for exploding a single message till thousands. In Internet this is called as Viral Marketing. Guerrilla marketing is invented as an unconventional system of the promotions which depends on time, imagination, and the energy instead of the big market. In the same way, the campaignings for the marketing is also unconventional and interactive. The consumers are targeted in the unexpected places. Its objective is creating the unique, and a sharp concept that provokes the thought. Jay Conrad Levinson has coined this term in the book Guerrilla Marketing. Since then this term has become most popular. The approaches such as the encounters in the public places, the products being sold in the streets, the stunts, any marketing that gives more results from minimal resources etc, are involved in the Guerrilla Marketing. The digital technology is being used by the mobile as one more approach to the guerrilla marketing. This will help them to create more customers and have a good brand. As the base of the guerrilla marketing Levinson identified few principles. they are as follows: This is mainly to serve the business and the entrepreneur that are small Instead of the experience, judgments, and the work done by guessing it should involve the humans. Investing time, imagination, and the energy are the primary issues rather than money The profit ratio is the primary issue to measure the business and not the sales Also concentrate on the number of new relations made per month Instead of diverting the focus concentrate on creating a standard. Concentrate on more referrals and transactions, instead of trying to get more number of customers Cooperate more on the business instead of the competition These marketers have to use the combination of the methods in the marketing for the campaign Build the business by making use of the technologies that are more updated Aim the messages to the smaller group of the audiences instead of the larger groups Focus more on an individual to gain their consent. This will let them send more messages Social media marketing In the organization of the communications plan, Social Media Marketing is the recent competent. For connecting with the markets target, integrating the markets communication is the principle. In order to produce the message on which the customer easily focuses, the market communication has to be integrated with the elements like The models of the traditional marketing like the frequency, content, timing, and the communication medium with the organization is collaborated with the external agent like agencies for advertising, firms for the market researches, and the firms with the public relation. The communication of the organization the impact of the social media has an impact on the kind of communication made by the organization with the customers. Platforms of social media marketing The social media marketing will benefit the organization and the individual by providing the additional channel for the support of the customer. This becomes a mean for gaining the insight of the customer and the competitiveness and also provides a method to manage the online reputation. The main factors ensuring the relevance for the customer, the value provided to them with the strength of the base where it is built. The foundation that is strong will serve as the platform to centralize the information and for directing the customers with the developments made recently with the help of social media channels, and publications released through press. The goal is for creating a foundation that is strong and will engage the powers of the customers by providing the opportunities to the communication in the organization. Platform is most important due to the reason that the organization will measure and monitor the effects on the customers. Tools offered are more applicable than anything else to achieve the goal set by the customer. Example: With the Direct2Dell forum the Dell computers has the strongest blog. This also helps to improve the organization fame and gives a chance to improve the learning chances for the bloggers. Ever since the site is begun, the percentage of the blogs is improved by 22% from 49%. Dell, with the support to their customers by addressing the concerns, comments, and the questions through the blog was achieved. Target Targets are achieved on the Face Book by getting real with the customers and by the exposed products that matches the needs of the customers. Target focused more on the benefits by connecting to the customers and in understanding the medium. They have allowed the customers to shape the group and made the curve of learning easier. Starbucks This Starbucks will be found on the Face Book, Flicker, Twitter etc, and on other blogging sites by the My Starbucks Idea. This has the best strategies for the social media. They have focused more on gaining the customers needs, likes, and the information. This helps them maintain customers in good number. Conclusion The process of identifying the products and services required by the customers and implementing the policies in order to achieve the needs of the customers and developing the product based on it is known as marketing. It is an incorporated process by which the industries concentrates mainly on the requirement and needs of the customers and hence creates customer relationships stronger.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Education Essays Bilingualism United States
Education Essays Bilingualism United States Bilingualism United States The United States Children Growing Up Monolingual Understanding, Identifying, and Examining Bilingualism in the United States: An Interdisciplinary Approach Why do so many children in the United States grow up monolingual? The United States is regarded as â€Å"a melting pot†, in which people of different cultures, races, and religions are joined together so as to widen a multi-ethnic society. Americans have had various beliefs about whether or not English should be the official language in this country. There have been diverse decisions in English Only acts throughout the United States’ history. These English Only acts demonstrate some of the reasons why so many of the United States’ children grow up monolingual. It’s no wonder that immigrants to this country are swayed to lose their mother tongue or even their entire customs and traditions. It is difficult to understand the close ties that language has with certain group ethnicities (Gerstle, 2001). Language is one of the major ingredients of individuals’ identities and ethnicities. The United States should consider a proposal that would include a more enhanced plan for the welfare of certain groups, so that they could fully contribute in our society and encourage a more bilingual or multilingual society that would prepare Americans for a more expanding global society. The United States should consider itself to be at an advantage when it comes to bilingualism. There is a flood of immigrants coming into this nation every year and every immigrant brings with them a unique idiom. Throughout American history, the typical pattern of language usage among immigrants has been a rapid shift from non-English monolingualism to bilingualism to English monolingualism in the third generation (Fishman, 1980). Americans have more of an advantage, because of their high percentage of immigrants, to encourage bilingualism to its citizens. The United States could benefit from the advantage because bilingualism could better prepare the U.S. citizens for an ever-expanding global society (Sheriff, 2007). Major Reasons for Bilingualism in the U.S. One significant element to bilingualism in the United States begins with providing better welfare of specific groups of people who cannot, because of language barriers, contribute fully in our social organization. Another reason for bilingualism in the U.S. is the interest of professional second language groups, who find it essential to continue their support for language study development (Roeming,1971). In addition to the significant elements to increase bilingualism, native speakers might find it meaningful to continue their mother tongue, traditions, and cultures. One important reason for this is that there have been findings that concluded â€Å"a foreign language facilitates mastering the higher forms of the native language†(Lambert Tucker, 2007). Bilingualism could better prepare the U.S. citizens for an ever-expanding global society (Sheriff, 2007). American citizens need to examine outside their borders and learn from the mistakes and successes of other countries, furthermore countries that are thriving with developed citizens with bilingual or multilingual proficiency (Pufahi, 2001). It is essential that the United States’ citizens become a society with multicultural character and reflect as the â€Å"melting pot†nation, so which as they are regarded (Safty, 1988). Why an Interdisciplinary Approach There are many factors that contribute to bilingualism in America. It is important that it be examined for the reasons listed above. The information must be explored from multiple viewpoints, in order to successfully develop a system of improvement. By applying an interdisciplinary approach to the issue, the viewpoints from specific disciplines can be investigated and integrated to provide successful modifications. While disciplines can blind or sway, they become, when used relevantly, our keenest lenses on the world. The disciplines are the most useful means for illuminating those generative issues that have perennially engaged the curiosity of thoughtful human beings (Gardner and Boix-Mansilla, 1994). The interdisciplinary process involves integrating disciplinary insights into a particular problem and it does not attempt to integrate disciplinary perspectives. However, before one can identify insights, one must first identify the disciplines relevant to the problem (Repko, 2005). Bilingualism influences many divisions of this nation. It is difficult to apply only one study of discipline to this multifaceted crisis. The issue needs to be analyzed in more areas of disciplines, so that all factors are considered. This complete examination of bilingualism in the United States could help render all major concerns that affect Americans and their legal citizens. Significant Disciplines There are several disciplines that could contribute to the concerns of bilingualism in America. The disciplines that are considered to be the most critical are Education, Sociology, and Modern Languages. The goal of this investigation is to consider the most important welfare of the United States’ citizens concerning bilingualism. There are several other disciplines that contain factors involving bilingualism, but these disciplines may only briefly be illustrated in this paper. The disciplines that may be briefly studied are Economics, History, Linguistics, Political Science and Psychology. The investigation concentrates mainly on the most critical disciplines. Education, Sociology, and Modern Languages are the disciplines that will be fully investigated for the purpose of the problem at hand. Discipline 1: Education The discipline of Education contains methods that can assist in teaching a system. Teaching techniques can have effective implications to address specific issues. It is important to understand well enough specific structures in order to effectively acknowledge them. The purpose of teaching techniques is to have a sound knowledge base, so that students can build as they are exposed to different life experiences. If a student is well educated, then they are able to interpret good judgment, experience and wisdom (Britannica, 2006). These are the reasons why it is essential that students at an early age be instructed in the issues of foreign languages. Students are able to acquire two languages simultaneously almost â€Å"with the same ease [he] learns his first one because he is doing so at a stage of mental development which proceeds parallel to the mechanisms of language acquisition.†The influence of Education has been proven to be an effective way to promote a Bilingual society ( Safty, 1988). The discipline of Education would allow students to further understand and comprehend the structures of bilingualism and promote the importance of the issue in America’s society. Discipline 2: Sociology The discipline of Sociology contains methods of how and why people are structured in society. Societies are structured as individuals or as part of associations, groups and institutions. Societies are examined to reveal how and why people are structured in specific ways (Britannica, 2006). It is essential to include this discipline’s insights to the issue of bilingualism in the U.S. It should be researched why certain societies do not fully contribute in our society, because of language barriers. Also, it should be examined why certain members continue to contribute to the support of language study. Professional linguists observed evidence of behavioral function in two languages with enthusiasm without recognizing that the disparate cultural levels of the two languages may cause serious individual socio-psychological problems (Roeming, 1971). It is essential to understand how or why people are structured in societies, so that there can be a greater awareness of how Americans can gain a higher participation in bilingualism. Discipline 3: Modern Languages The discipline of Modern Languages involves the structure of languages, syntax formation of languages, and learning capabilities of second language learners. The structure of languages can in some cases be transformed from one language to another. Positive cognitive gains should be expected from bilingualism if the second language is introduced after the child has achieved a certain threshold level of competence in his first language (Diaz, 1983). The syntax-formations of languages are sometimes similar in structure. In an intensive investigation it revealed that exposure to French facilitated the comprehension of certain English syntactic structures (Safty, 1988). Also, the learning capabilities of second language learners can sometimes be very diverse from that of native language learners. It is essential to understand the formalities of Modern Languages, so that the proper proposal can be assessed of bilingualism in the United States. Significant Disciplines Other disciplines that should be briefly studied are Economics, History, Linguistics, Political Science and Psychology. Economics involves the set of principles and techniques by which a society decides and organizes the ownership and allocation of economic resources. History includes the social structures and the interaction of different group in society rather thatn affairs of state. Linguistics encompasses semantics, syntax, and phonology. Synchronic linguistic studies aim to describe a language as it exists at a given time; diachronic studies trace a language[s historical development. â€Å"Political Science contains the nature of states, the functions performed by governments, voter behaviour, political parties, political culture, political economy and public opinion. Psychology illustrates the concerns of personalities, attitudes, motivations, and behaviour of an individual or a group†(Political Science, 2008). The disciplines listed above may be briefly included in this investigation for the purpose of the United States’ citizens examining the importance of increasing bilingualism or multilingualism. Purpose of Interdisciplinary Studies The purpose of this investigation is to understand, identify, and examine bilingualism in the United States. The issue of bilingualism in America is a major concern that needs to be reviewed with more than one aspect of discussion in order for all Americans to agree on the topic at hand. The interests of specific groups of people who are not able, because of language barriers, to contribute fully in our social organization should be reviewed. Also, it is ethically accurate for native speakers to maintain their mother tongue, traditions, and cultures studies. It also should to be reviewed why beginning foreign language study early supports achievement of higher levels of language proficiency and why bilingualism can enhance certain cognitive skills and intellectual development. If the issues listed in this paper are understood, identified and examined then the United States could better prepare the U.S. citizens for an ever-expanding global society with specific groups’ interest included. Background The United States was founded on diverse cultures unifying to establish a new nation of opportunities. The history of America has demonstrated the struggles of diverse cultures trying to create a multicultural nation. One of the major concerns in the United States has been bilingualism. In the beginning Americans tried to define what the nation stood for and what customs and cultures were considered American. President Theodore Roosevelt once said, We have one language here, and that is the English language, and we intend to see that the [assimilation] crucible turns our people out as Americans. These events in American history resulted in federal and state laws, judicial decisions and administrative regulations which were largely sympathetic to the idea of language rights. Official English Movement In the nineteenth century of the United States there were languages other than English that were widely spoken, a strong â€Å"English only†struggle developed at the turn of the century as a flood of immigrates from Southern and Eastern Europe increased xenophobic feelings in Americans. The â€Å"Americanization†movement that grew between 1900 and 1920 demanded national unity upon cultural homogeneity and a common language (Citrin, Reingold, Walters, Green, 1990). The planned drive for â€Å"official English†in the 1980s was what started change in America. Senator Hayakawa (Republican, California) feared that if the United States failed to promote a common language then they would create instability and polarization similar to Canada, Belgium, and other linguistically divided countries. Hayakawa first proposed an amendment to the Constitution to declare English the official language to the United States in 1981. Hayakawa established the â€Å"U.S. English,†the organization which quickly became the leading advocacy group of the â€Å"official English†movement. Today there are 44 states and numerous countries and municipalities that have considered laws or initiatives that declare English to be their sole official language (Citrin, Reingold, Walters, Green, 1990). There are organizations that fight to make English the official language of the United States. ProEnglish is a member-supported, national, non-profit organization founded in 1994. ProEnglish is one of the organizations dedicated to making English the official language of the United States. They disapprove of such orders such as the Executive Order 13166, which states that any entity which receives federal funds must provide whatever services it offers in any foreign language spoken by anyone likely to receive those services. It says failure to do so is likely to constitute discrimination on the basis of national origin as prohibited by Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights law (ProEnglish Activism, 2008). The â€Å"English only†movement and the immigrants struggling to strive in American societies demonstrates the diverse viewpoints that their citizens hold about bilingualism. Bilingual Education The United States has had bilingual education since the 1840’s. It was believed that a form of bilingual schooling originated in Cincinnati in 1840. Cincinnati was one of the many communities in which the majority or a large minority of the population was German-speaking. German immigrants were coming to America in huge numbers during the ladder decades of the 19th century. There were private and parochial German schools established, furthermore German parents had to pay tuition and school taxes. As a result of the German schools the native-born Americans became concerned that speakers of other languages would be assimilated into their speech and way of life. They decided to unite the German schools with the public schools and swayed the students to aspire to learn the German language. This resulted in students learning German and English languages together (Andersson, 1971).†The 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s were a low period for foreign languages in general, which almost disappeared from the elementary-school curriculum. On January 17, 1967, a historic bill was introduced in the Senate of the U.S. by the senior senator from Texas together with seven other senators as co-sponsors. The bill was to ensure that students whose native tongue was not English would be better assisted in school. On January 2, 1968, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed into law the Bilingual Education Act, with the words, â€Å"Thousands of children of Latin descent, young Indians, and others will get a better start- a better chance in school (Andersson, 1971)†. Federal policy in bilingual education since 1960 has been made to ensure equal educational opportunity for minority-language children of limited English proficiency (LEP). They began because of court decisions enforcing civil rights legislation such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Equal Educational Opportunities Act (EEOA) of 1974 (Secada, 1990). There is a debate for Bilingual Education in which there are those who believe that the goal of the program should be to assimilate LEP students into the mainstream as quickly as possible. Then there are those that believe that the program should help develop dual language competence and literacy, multicultural awareness, and enhanced self concept which could lead to other desirable goals (Secada, 1990). In the 1960s the concept of a federal bilingual education program revealed to be politically popular, and there were more than three dozen bilingual education bills introduced into the House of Representatives. On January 17, 1967, Texas Senator Ralph Yarborough and six cosponsors introduced S. 428, the American Bilingual Education Act (BEA), an amendment to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. This amendment was to ensure a better education to â€Å"the special educational needs of the large numbers of students in the United States whose mother tongue is Spanish and to whom English is a foreign language (Lyons, 1990)†. The 1974 amendments lengthened the formation and operation of the BEA, they also supported the law’s focus on English-language development and neglect of native-language development. The amendments also excluded federal support for two-way bilingual-education programs like the Coral Way model. Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibited discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in federally aided programs and activities and entailed on grant-making agencies accountability for guaranteeing compliance. In 1974 the United States Supreme Court delivered its first and only response to the legal responsibilities of schools serving LRP students. The case was Lau v. Nichols, a class-action suit by the parents of nearly 3000 Chinese pupils in the 16,500 students San Francisco public school system. There were only a small percentage of students that received special instruction and the remainder received none. The plaintiffs alleged that the school district’s conduct violated both the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The plaintiffs requested that the laws be improved and the school districts policies ensure quality instruction for bilingual students. Multilingual-multicultural programs were even more determined in providing instruction in and development of English and at least two other languages (Lyons,1990). In the 1980s the Regan administration cut funding to the bilingual education programs and at the time there was an increase in the number of LEP children needing BEA-funding services. There were at least 3.6 million LEP students that were attending schools in the Unites States. The LEP school-age population was expected to increase, through the year 2000, two and one half times as fast as the general school-age population (Lyons, 1990). During Regan’s term in office he appointed William J. Bennett to be his successor. Secretary Bennett announced to his citizens: Early study of foreign languages makes sense. The imitative capacities of young children give them natural advantages as language students. And language study is good for them. It allows children a taste of the size and diversity of human experience and helps them to distinguish similarities and differences between their own and other cultures and peoples. It may even have a positive effect on their command of English (Lyons, 1990). Integrated Disciplines The disciplines discussed in this investigation are Education, Sociology and Modern Languages. They are essential for the complete investigation of bilingualism in America. Education contains the major aspects of bilingualism in America. Education is the major reason for bilingual studies. Education is the primary reason that American citizens gain comprehensive understanding of a second language. This is the reason that Education is reviewed first in this intense study. Sociology is the next discipline viewed. It is essential to the issue of bilingualism because societies determine what kind of community they desire to exist in. They vote and protest the issues that concern their communities, furthermore determine the idioms used in their societies. The last discipline that is viewed is Modern Languages because of the importance of language structures and facets. These disciplines are viewed in this order due to their importance in the issues concerning bilingualism in America. Other Bilingualism Historical Events Beginning in the 1990s there was a clear presence of xenophobic culture in the California citizens. The California Proposition 277 in 1998 was designed to dismantle bilingual education. Also the Proposition 187 was created to make English the official language of the state. Governor Pete Wilson and other politicians made speeches using a kind of language that demonized the so-called â€Å"illegal†immigrants (Macedo, 2000). These events lead to other states trying to mimic California’s actions. The presence of xenophobic culture was seen much earlier in American history. It can’t be forgotten the English re-education camps designed primarily to yank Native Americans mother tongues. Native American children were taken form their parents and sent to boarding schools with the main objective of cutting them off from their â€Å"primitive†languages and â€Å"savage†cultures (Macedo, 2000). The historical events that have taken place in the Unites States history have brought us to the nation you see today. Bilingualism is still a major issue among American citizens. The issue is still a major debate among our new electing partys nomination for presidency. The recent debate among the two running Democratic Partys nomination, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama, were asked about bilingualism in the United States. Their responses to the question are below. Clintons comments: I think its important for as many Americans as possible to do what I have never been able to do, and that is learn another language and try to be bilingual because that connects us to the rest of the world. I represent New York. We have 170 languages in New York City alone. And I do not think that we should be, in any way, discriminating against people who do not speak English, who use facilities like hospitals or have to go to court to enforce their rights. But I do think that English does remain an important part of the American experience. So I encourage people to become bilingual. But I also want to see English remain the common, unifying language of our country (Clinton, 2008). And Obamas: Well, I think it is important that everyone learns English and that we have that process of binding ourselves together as a country. I think thats very important. I also think that every student should be learning a second language. I want to make sure that children who are coming out of Spanish-speaking households had the opportunity to learn and are not falling behind. If bilingual education helps them do that, I want to give them the opportunity. But I also want to make sure that English-speaking children are getting foreign languages because this world is becoming more interdependent and part of the process of Americas continued leadership in the world is going to be our capacity to communicate across boundaries, across borders, and thats something frankly where weve fallen behind (Obama, 2008). The controversy between these two Democratic presidential candidates about bilingualism reveals the major importance of bilingualism in America today. The problem requires a full investigation with the most comprehensive understanding of the issue. The issue should be viewed by all aspects of the problem. The disciplines of Education, Sociology and Modern Languages could give a full investigation on many facets of bilingualism in America. The concerns of bilingualism need an interdisciplinary approach due to the many aspects of the issue. The interdisciplinary approach would allow many viewpoints to be examined and ideas to be fully understood (Repko, 2005). A look back of the history of bilingualism in America is an important aspect to viewing the problems that we see today. It is essential to acknowledge the events that have taken place in America history in order to fully understand the elements of bilingualism in this nation. Reference List Andersson, Theodore (1971). Bilingual Education: The American Experience. The Modern Language Journal, 55, 427-440 Berriz, Berta (2006). Unz Got Your Tongue: What Have We Lost with the English-only Mandates? Radical Teacher, 10-15 CAL:Digest (Pufahi, I., Rhodes, N., Christian, D.). (2001). 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