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Components of Economy Essay Example for Free
Segments of Economy Essay Human exercises which produce pay are known as financial exercises. All the monetary exercises are characterize...
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Operations and Quality Improvement Strategies Coursework
Operations and Quality Improvement Strategies - Coursework Example Organizations can apply a set of skills and tools to reduce operational cost, increase efficiency and productivity, and improve the quality of their processes, products and services. 1. Lean Manufacturing. Critically discuss the differences, using examples, between the Lean and Mass (Traditional) Production strategies. A. Rationale: Lean Manufacturing, a Japanese philosophy, gained attention at the beginning of the 1980’s when the western leaders could not stop wondering the inimitable industrial advances and permanent employment of the Japanese businesses (A to Z Management Concepts and Models 2007). It has been described as â€Å"the most fundamental change to occur since mass production was brought to full development by Henry Ford early in the 20th century†(Hindle 2008). Lean manufacturing has been established as one of the crucial factors for Japanese success. There are two basic concepts that are involved here: making the management work to give lower cost per un it produced which directly enhances productivity, secondly, striving for continuous improvement (kaizen). Workers are expected and encouraged to adopt a new approach to their work and reap the benefit of it (A to Z Management Concepts and Models 2007). Generally, in lean production systems employees are organized in teams and each worker must be able to do all the tasks required of the team. â€Å"These tasks are less narrowly specialised than those demanded of the worker in a mass-production system, and this variety enables the worker to escape from the soul-destroying repetition of the pure assembly line†(Hindle 2008) B. Evolution: In 1776, Adam Smith in the Wealth of Nations described that mass production is based on the principles of specialization and division of labour. To design products and to set up production systems highly skilled labours are used whereas to produce standardized components and assemble them the labours used are highly unskilled. The latter are dis posable and can be laid off depending on the situation. In mass production, parts used are often manufactured elsewhere and then put together on a moving production facility called assembly line. â€Å"The result is a standardized product made in a fairly small number of varieties, produced at low cost and of mediocre quality.†If a problem needs to be corrected at any point in an assembly line the entire process stops (Hindle 2008). Lean production system requires the components to be delivered just-in-time and each worker is allowed to stop production when a fault is discovered. This is the basic difference from classic assembly line process where stoppages are expensive and should be avoided at all costs. With a mass production system the worker learn nothing because all the faulty products are put aside to be dealt with later. They are replaced immediately, from the large stock of spares, without causing any hold-ups. In case of lean production, problems are immediately r esolved when a stoppage occurs and gradually this diminishes the number of stoppages. Eventually, a mature lean-production line stops a much lesser number of times than a mature mass-production assembly line (A to Z Management Concepts and Models 2007). Yet another advantage of lean production is that designers, workers and suppliers work hand-in-hand with production which never happens in a mass-production system. A separate team of insiders or specialists participate in designing which
Monday, October 28, 2019
Kangaroo and Feature Female Kangaroos Essay Example for Free
Kangaroo and Feature Female Kangaroos Essay Kangaroo Kangaroos are the multicellular animals and they are complex one because they are mammals. As we all know they are the only large animals to use hopping as a means of locomotion and they also hop really fast. The comfortable hopping speed for red kangaroo is about 20–25 km/h (13–16 mph), but speeds of up to 70 km/h (44 mph) can be attained, over short distances, while it can sustain a speed of 40 km/h (25 mph) for nearly. They are also adept swimmers ,and often flee into waterways if threatened by a predator. From the picture we can see kangaroos have large, powerful hind legs, large feet adapted for leaping, a long muscular tail for balance, and a small head. Because of the different area to adapt the environment ,there are four kinds of kangaroos. The first one is the red kangaroo which is the largest surviving marsupial anywhere in the world. A large male can be 2 meters (6 ft 7 in) tall and weigh 90 kg (200 lb). The second one is eastern grey kangaroo which is the most common one . The last two kinds of kangaroos are The western grey kangaroo and The antilopine kangaroo. For eating kangaroos are autotroph and they have chambered stomachs similar to those of cattle and sheep They regurgitate the vegetation they have eaten, chew it as cud , and then swallow it again for final digestion. Because of its grazing, kangaroos have developed specialised teeth. Its incisors are able to crop grass close to the ground, and its molars chop and grind the grass. For produce a new bay they need to choose correct days because during a dry period, males will not produce sperm, and females will only conceive if there has been enough rain to produce a large quantity of green vegetation. And about kangaroos most special feature female kangaroos have a pouch called a marsupium in which joeys complete postnatal development.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Epistemological Turn in European Scientific Rationality :: Science Essays
Epistemological Turn in European Scientific Rationality ABSTRACT: If the 17th century could be considered the century of the reformation of science, the present century is one of counterreformation in every sense of the word. The ideology of this century can be seen in the titanic efforts to complete the development of science which foundation was laid in the 17th and 18th centuries, in the outright failures, and in attempts at reconstructing the foundation (e.g., Hilbert's formalization program, GÃ ¶del's incompleteness theorem, Charlier's theory of a hierarchic universe, Fridman's evolutionary cosmology, Newton's mechanics, relativistic and/or quantum mechanics in physics, the logical turn of the Vienna circle and epistemological anarchism in methodology). Our task is to reveal the essence of the turning points in 20th century science and to determine at least the general outlines, if not the cause, of the new type of rationality that is replacing the old one. I will focus on the history of cosmology, or rather on its three paradigms t hat have succeeded each other in this century: Newtonian, Fridmanian and the inflationary paradigms. By outlining the problem, I will pose a possible solution from clarifying changes in the value orientations, ideals and norms of scientific research to their possible generalization. If the 17th century could be considered the century of the reformation of science, the present century is one of counterreformation in every sense of the word. Ever since the turn of the century, the same ideology has been in existence: titanic efforts to complete the development of the science whose foundation was laid in the 17th and 18th centuries and outright failures followed by the reconstruction of the foundation. There are many exemples, some of them very striking: Hilbert's formalisation program and Godel's incompleteness theorem in mathematics, Charlier's theory of a hierarchic universe and Fridman's theory of the evolutionary universe in cosmology, Newton's mechanics and relativistic and quantum mechanics in physics, and finally, the logical program of the Vienna circle and epistemological anarchism in methodology. Our task is to reveal the essence of the turning points in 20th centuries science history and to try to determine at least the general outlines, if not the cause, of the new type of rationality that is succeeding (or has already succeeded) the old one. Needless to say, we are obviously unable to embrace all branches of knowledge ; therefore, we will confine ourselves to the history of cosmology, or rather to its three paradigms that successively prevailed in this century : Newtonian, Fridman's and inflationary.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Is Charlies Operation a Success? Essay example -- English Literature
Is Charlie's Operation a Success? Many medical operations are performed everyday, and sometimes they can change a person’s life forever. They can alter the way a person thinks or their personality traits. Picture someone who is so determined to become smart, that they risk their own life for it. It could be just for a moment, their whole life, or it could not even work. In the book, Flowers for Algernon, Charlie Gordon did just this. He was a 32-year-old mentally challenged man, who worked at Donner’s Bakery as a janitor. Charlie risked his life in order to have an experimental operation, which could potentially make him smart forever and raise his IQ to above average or to the level of a genius. The operation that Charlie underwent had many consequences, and he had to pay a sad price for trying to get smarter. Charlie’s operation was unsuccessful because he experienced painful flashbacks concerning his childhood, it caused a dramatic change to his personality in comparison to what he was prior to his operation, and he also suffered from loneliness. Firstly, Charlie’s operation made him have many upsetting nightmares, like remembering painful memories of his childhood. As a child, children took advantage of Charlie, because he was mentally challenged. Even his mother and sister made fun of him, and were ashamed to be related to him. One particularly painful memory happened on Valentine’s Day. All the boys, including Charlie, had feelings for a girl named Harriet. Charlie wanted to give Harriet a card, so he asked one of his schoolmates, Hymie, to write, â€Å"Dear Harriet, I think you are the most prettiest girl in the whole world. I like you very much and I love you. I want you to be my valentime. Your friend, Charlie Gordon.†Hymie took advantage of the situation and wrote something dirty to make Harriet think that Charlie was a perverted person. Charlie did not realize what Hymie had done, and he gave the card to Harriet. She got mad at him, and her two older brothers, Gus and Oscar, beat up Charlie and k nocked his teeth out. This incident caused Charlie to move to a new school. (Keyes 37-38). Charlie was an innocent boy, and his fellow schoolmates took advantage of him. They caused him to move schools for no fault of his own. Similar to that situation, was a flashback Charlie had of his mother and sister who treated him like trash. Charlie’s mother, ... ...lity in comparison to what he was before he had the operation, and it also caused him to suffer from loneliness. Due to all of the negative effects of the operation, Charlie’s intelligence deteriorated, and he made the wise decision to stay at the Warren Home School. Charlie would have been better off without the experimental operation to make him smarter, because he would not have lost his friends, he would maintain his friendly personality, and he could continue to live the life he liked to live. The operation messed up Charlie’s life and caused him to lose everything he possessed. He always thought that people who were smart had more friends, but it turned out that after his operation, he lost all his friends and this proved his statement wrong. He describes this well when he says, â€Å"When I was retarded I had lots of friends. Now I have no one. †(Keyes 174). He realized that it is who ‘you are’ that takes to have a lot of friends. It is b est not to tamper with God’s creation and let things happen naturally. Whether good or bad happens in your life, you must have faith and trust in the plans that God has in store for everyone, or one day, people could end up like Charlie Gordon. Is Charlie's Operation a Success? Essay example -- English Literature Is Charlie's Operation a Success? Many medical operations are performed everyday, and sometimes they can change a person’s life forever. They can alter the way a person thinks or their personality traits. Picture someone who is so determined to become smart, that they risk their own life for it. It could be just for a moment, their whole life, or it could not even work. In the book, Flowers for Algernon, Charlie Gordon did just this. He was a 32-year-old mentally challenged man, who worked at Donner’s Bakery as a janitor. Charlie risked his life in order to have an experimental operation, which could potentially make him smart forever and raise his IQ to above average or to the level of a genius. The operation that Charlie underwent had many consequences, and he had to pay a sad price for trying to get smarter. Charlie’s operation was unsuccessful because he experienced painful flashbacks concerning his childhood, it caused a dramatic change to his personality in comparison to what he was prior to his operation, and he also suffered from loneliness. Firstly, Charlie’s operation made him have many upsetting nightmares, like remembering painful memories of his childhood. As a child, children took advantage of Charlie, because he was mentally challenged. Even his mother and sister made fun of him, and were ashamed to be related to him. One particularly painful memory happened on Valentine’s Day. All the boys, including Charlie, had feelings for a girl named Harriet. Charlie wanted to give Harriet a card, so he asked one of his schoolmates, Hymie, to write, â€Å"Dear Harriet, I think you are the most prettiest girl in the whole world. I like you very much and I love you. I want you to be my valentime. Your friend, Charlie Gordon.†Hymie took advantage of the situation and wrote something dirty to make Harriet think that Charlie was a perverted person. Charlie did not realize what Hymie had done, and he gave the card to Harriet. She got mad at him, and her two older brothers, Gus and Oscar, beat up Charlie and k nocked his teeth out. This incident caused Charlie to move to a new school. (Keyes 37-38). Charlie was an innocent boy, and his fellow schoolmates took advantage of him. They caused him to move schools for no fault of his own. Similar to that situation, was a flashback Charlie had of his mother and sister who treated him like trash. Charlie’s mother, ... ...lity in comparison to what he was before he had the operation, and it also caused him to suffer from loneliness. Due to all of the negative effects of the operation, Charlie’s intelligence deteriorated, and he made the wise decision to stay at the Warren Home School. Charlie would have been better off without the experimental operation to make him smarter, because he would not have lost his friends, he would maintain his friendly personality, and he could continue to live the life he liked to live. The operation messed up Charlie’s life and caused him to lose everything he possessed. He always thought that people who were smart had more friends, but it turned out that after his operation, he lost all his friends and this proved his statement wrong. He describes this well when he says, â€Å"When I was retarded I had lots of friends. Now I have no one. †(Keyes 174). He realized that it is who ‘you are’ that takes to have a lot of friends. It is b est not to tamper with God’s creation and let things happen naturally. Whether good or bad happens in your life, you must have faith and trust in the plans that God has in store for everyone, or one day, people could end up like Charlie Gordon.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Psychology of Terrorism Essay
In his article, Vaisman-Tzachor (2006) discussed the most common misconceptions regarding terrorist profiling in forensic psychology. True, where effective forensic profiling techniques are absent, there is no place for effective counterterrorism strategies. In this context, the profiling criteria described by Vaisman-Tzachor (2006) are particularly interesting and important when applied to psychological profile of Osama Bin Laden. From the viewpoint of forensic psychology, and through the prism of Vaisman-Tzachor’s (2006) psychological criteria, forensic profiling of Osama Bin Laden should begin with the profound analysis of his personal background (age, educational background, ethnicity, socio-economic status, national origin and marital status, religious or social affiliations). Contrary to traditional (and probably, outdated beliefs), the national origin of Osama Bin Laden will play important, but not the primary role in creating the picture of his personality. Of course, â€Å"elements such as Arab ethnic or national background [†¦] are highly important in the list of the determinant variables†(Vaisman-Tzachor, 2006), but psychological profile of Osama Bin Laden seems even more consistent with the fact that he is unmarried, possesses sufficient material background and displays negative disposition to the non-Muslim society. Simultaneously, Osama Bin Laden does not match the criminal profile created by Vaisman-Tzachor (2006), where the likelihood of a terrorist act is inversely related to the age of the potential terrorist; in case of Osama, his age is evidently associated with the growing terrorist experience and the increasing sophistication of his terrorist needs. Objectively, and truly for many generations of terrorists, Osama Bin Laden is fairly regarded a kind of a mythical figure, â€Å"who represents a messianic being to members of those national groups and social entities, who are disenfranchised by political, religious, or ethnic circumstances†(Vaisman-Tzachor, 2006), and this mythical figure works to establish closer ties and strengthen the existing terrorist identifications in his terrorist networks. In this context, Osama Bin Laden is a multifaceted image of the leader, whose criminality and respectability are uniquely combined to shape the new vision of a charismatic terrorist. Historical and sociocultural antecedents of September 11 The escalation of international violence and the growing anti-American moods have generated a set of questions regarding the historical and sociocultural antecedents of September 11. Objectively, a whole set of factors have contributed into the development of violent attitudes toward American nation, of which September 11 was the culmination; in this context, the continuous political commitment to â€Å"low intensity conflicts†and the self-declared pro-American ideology which lacks authoritarian rule and visible religiosity have become the two most important antecedents of the 9/11 attack. In his book, Michaels (2002) refers to the â€Å"low intensity conflict†scenario, to which American presidency adhered over the course of the last decades. The declaration of anti-terrorist ideals and the deceptive need for maintaining low intensity wars in the most problematic international regions was expected to strengthen the military power of the United States, and to ensure that America was able to respond to the most challenging social and military conflicts all over the world. What the United States had obviously overlooked was that the gradual military expansion might not have been favored by other nations (Michaels, 2002). Increased military spending combined with the overt rejection of treaty opportunities have formed the set of historical antecedents which led to the emergence of the new quality relationships between the two worlds – the Muslim and the orthodox. After the fall of socialism in the world, the rhetoric of the American hyperpower has literally doubled, and all visions of authority and power have since then been projected onto the U. S. (Werz, 2004). Given historically relevant anti-American attitudes, the multiplying American superiority has frozen the cultural difference between the two worlds. The social development in America has been colored with obvious secularization of the public opinion and the values, which the American nation has treated as its own (Werz, 2004). Thus, the events of September 11 have come as the culmination in the growing opposition against the militaristic attitudes of the United States towards its political and cultural superiority. Psychology of terrorism In the aftermath of 9/11 attacks researchers and psychology professionals have become increasingly concerned about the origins and the motives of terrorist attacks. The current state of empirical research is pressured by numerous prejudices and misconceptions that have grown as a result of the overt callousness of terrorist attacks. By turning terrorists into a group of abnormally deviant people, however, psychologists have seriously distorted the real image of a true terrorist. Silke (2004) is correct: we cannot be certain that terrorism is a kind of psychological abnormality, unless we are able to avoid bias and to promote objectivity in our judgments. It is difficult not to agree to Silke (2004) in that the differences in the current research of terrorism have become the results of our inability to explore and document primary information, and the impossibility to access primary sources of information about terrorists. â€Å"The risks involved for the potential researcher are considerable. Academic researchers have been threatened, kidnapped, attacked, and shot for attempting to research terrorism†(Silke, 2004). In our quest for better understanding of terrorist psychology, we frequently become the victims of our own psychological misconceptions. We still operate scarce and unclear (as well as unreliable) data concerning the major emotional and psychological issues terrorists face on their way to a violent act. Seeking sensations, we tend to neglect the role which primary data may play in developing and spreading a completely new vision of terrorism. With the scarcity of tools of psychological and sociological research which could be readily applied to terrorism, and bearing in mind an almost complete impossibility to access primary sources of data, it is unlikely that we will be able to produce a single relevant and the most objective psychological profile of a terrorist in the coming decade. References Michaels, C. W. (2002). No greater threat: America after September 11 and the rise of a national security state. Algora Publishing. Silke, A. (2004). Courage in dark places: reflections on terrorist psychology. Social Research, 71 (1): 177-198. Vaisman-Tzachor, R. (2006). Psychological profiles of Terrorists. Forensic Examiner, 15 (2): 6-17. Werz, M. (2004). Anti-Americanism and ambivalence: Remarks on an ideology in historical transformation. Telos, 129: 75-95.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Anglosaxons, William the conqueror and the celts)
The Anglosaxons, William the conqueror and the celts) The Anglo-Saxons were the first to be known as English. They arrived in AD 499, after the Romans left. They came from the very powerful Germanic tribes: The Saxons (Denmark), the Anglos (Northern Germany) and the Jutes. One of the important figures of the Anglo-Saxons period is William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy, and King of England in 1035. Also the Celts played a great influence in their way of life. They followed the rules from the Magna Carta. One of the greatest vestiges of the culture is The Burial called "Sutton hoo" which was a ship where the nobility was buried. This research paper shows a general view of the English culture during the Anglo-Saxon period.William the Conqueror (1027-1087), King of England and illegitimate son of Robert, Duke of Normandy, was born at Falaise, France in 1027. William succeeded his father as a Duke the regrets who ruled for him were faced with rebellious nobles.RÃ ¦dwald's burial mound (Mound I), Sutton HooThe company in the royal or noble hall provided the audience for a literature which mirrored the age: Heroic lays recited by Professional bards. The surviving fragments include one major epic: "Beowulf" (Halsey, p. 491)In 1047 a serious rebellion of nobles occurred, and William with the aid of Henry, King of France, gained a great victory at Val-es-Dunes, near Caen, which led the following year to the capture of two strong castles, AleÂÆ'Â §on and Domfront. That was his base of operations. In 1054, the young Duke made himself master of provinces and acquired incredible power. After a couple of years of battles and training, William began to take a great interest in English Affairs. He married Matilda, the daughter of the Earl of Flanders, in 1503, but against the papal acceptances. King Harold found himself on Norman soil in 1064, was constrained...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Discrimination Essay Example
Discrimination Essay Example Discrimination Essay Discrimination Essay In the articles Discrimination At Large by Jennifer Coleman and k, So Im Fat by Neil Steinberg, both authors discuss the battle of being overweight and the discrimination they experienced because of it. Coleman begins her article by describing how all fat people are touted by their appearance She states that all the people who wouldnt dare utter any anti-gay slogans or racial epitaphs are the ones who verbally abuse her due to her appearance. This abuse began from a young age; people would refer to Coleman as lazy and disgusting and eventually she came to believe it. She desperately tried to SSE weight by eating nutritious meals and doing many different exercises. No matter how hard she tried, she was never able to silence the comments of others. As her efforts to be fit continued, people continued to ridicule her appearance. Colleens belief is that the bullying of fat people is not inborn. She believes that this bullying is taught by society. Just as children learn to be sensitive toward the disabled, the author believes that children should learn to have the same sensitivity toward the overweight. In addition, Neil Steinberg k, So Im Fat describes his experience with being overweight. What Steinberg finds most unpleasant about being overweight- besides the excess weight- is the offensive behavior of thin people. He takes offense to their behavior whether it is intentional or not, and is even bothered by their very existence. Stingers peers assumed that weight loss was beyond his grasp.. They would offer him Diet Coke and refer to him lightly as Big Guy. Yet, Steinberg did not have a problem with thin people who didnt need to work for their weight. Steinberg found it easier to be around those who were effortlessly thin since they gave him the relief that being thin is no more than good fortune. When eating a profoundly fattening dessert at a party, Steinberg asked the hostess if she was planning to eat her own. She replied smugly saying that it was too fattening for her. This behavior of a thin person bothered him since the hostess did not mind serving foods that werent suitable for herself. At this point he looked in the mirror and finally saw the man he had become. Both Coleman and Steinberg describe personal experiences with being overweight and the unfair treatment that comes along with it. They share the experience of obvious disdain displayed by thin people toward them. They both feel that the overweight are looked down upon and treated unfairly. They both reflect on the treatment of thin people towards them. Those who are thin made them feel inferior and Coleman and Steinberg despised it. Both these authors confronted themselves and realized that they had issues with their weight. Just like any other weakness or disability, obesity is an individuals exclusive issue. Therefore, this problem is not something to be made fun of. Just as it would be not be ridiculed. An overweight person has the personal choice of whether to do something about his weight or not and it is out of place for another to intervene.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Compare and Contrast Theories essay
Compare and Contrast Theories essay Compare and Contrast Theories essay Compare and Contrast Theories essayHuman beings are rather complex and versatile. On the one hand we have a lot of natural instincts, in the same way like animals; on the other hand, we are sufficiently different from them thanks to our rich inside world. In order to understand the human behavior, the human thought, it is necessary to go deep inside the human nature, which is possible only with the help of various psychological theories. There are some basic theories, but certainly a lot of the new ones are constantly appearing and developing. However general information about all of these theories can contribute greatly to better understanding of the main mechanisms of human brains and emotions, the reasoning for the behavioral types and so on. Further in this paper we are going to compare and contrast some most well-known and developed theories, including Gestalt Theory, Behavioral Theory REBT and Person Centered.Gestalt psychology came to us from Germany, â€Å"German: Gestal t – essence or shape of an entitys complete form (Nevis, 2000). The main principle of this theory is the ability of human brain to see the general form of an object initially, without splitting it into the constituent parts. There are some laws, according to which, people are able to perceive the concrete objects in this world full of noise and motion. According to Gestalt psychologists, the process of perception is possible thanks to various stimuli. Behaviorist approach concentrated upon understanding of cognitive processes, whereas for Gestalt psychology their organization is of prior importance. â€Å"The gestalt effect is the form-generating capability of our senses, particularly with respect to the visual recognition of figures and whole forms instead of just a collection of simple lines and curves†(Nevis, 2000). Structuralism is opposed to Gestalt theory, because it supports the idea, that the whole is not understood as simply the sum of some parts. Development of the key ideas of Gestalt psychology led to working out of Gestalt therapy; here the names of Fritz and Laura Perls are of primary importance. The name of Kurt Goldstein is famous for his application of Gestalt psychology towards the organism functioning. Laura Perls, as well as Fritz Perls, studied Gestalt psychology before starting to work as a psychoanalyst. So, there is certainly some influence upon Gestalt therapy, coming from Gestalt psychology, however, there are a lot of disputes concerning this matter.REBT – rational emotive behavior therapy was called rational emotive therapy. The main aims of this therapy can be summarized as – resolving of emotional and behavioral problems of individuals, in order to assure for them the possibility to lead happy and healthy lives. Albert Ellis is the developer of this therapy, based his approach on the numerous achievements of Greek, Roman and Asian philosophers. REBT is also considered to be a form of cognitive behavio r therapy. The main belief of REBT is based on the idea, which was first expressed by Epictetus people in reality are not upset by the events in their lives, rather by their viewing of these events.Further on we are going to stop briefly on some key concepts of Gestalt and REBT therapies, the main methods used and the ways of cooperation between therapist and a client. The Gestalt approach holds that dwelling on the past and fantasizing about the future can be ways to avoid the present, and that there is power in facing the present (Corey, 2009). Determinism, which is usually defined, as the belief that all the events are the logical and necessary consequences of the past events, is one the key aspects, which need to be considered in Gestalt therapy. The task of the therapist at this moment is to attract attention of the patient to the present time; usually it is done with the help of typical â€Å"how†and what†questions, for example – What are you doing wi th your hand at the moment?The roots of Gestalt therapy can be traced in the concepts of existential philosophy, studying the condition of being human (Nevis, 2000). Unfortunately a lot of people nowadays have to go through the feelings of isolation, loneliness, confusion and so on. Existential therapy is aimed to help patients to overcome their actual states. All the possible bad life situations should be reconsidered in comparison to the opportunities, people’s lives are able to bring, explaining them, what they gain, being human beings. Therapists do their best to assure patients, that they have their freedom of choice; however, they are bearing the responsibility for their decisions and actions. There are two main approaches applied: experiential and phenomenological, which aim to influence upon the way of experiencing things by the patient. â€Å"Phenomenology is a discipline that helps patients stand aside from their usual way of thinking so that they can distinguish t he difference between what is actually perceived and felt in the current situation and what is due to past events†(Corey, 2009). Phenomenological questions are usually based on the present moment, helping the patients feel the present time, the events, which are taking place in this very moment.As soon as therapists use Gestalt psychology, they should guarantee equal, person-to-person communication with their patients. The techniques, applied during these sessions, need the presence of the therapist. Moreover, some practitioners believe, that the techniques are of less importance than the presence and the process of personal communication. The relations between therapist and patient are usually developed even before starting to use the techniques, because patient needs time to develop trust.Talking about maladjustment in the frames of Gestalt therapy, it is necessary to distinguish the five main disturbances, which are able to contribute to development of it: â€Å"introject ion, projection, retroflection, deflection and confluence†(Nevis, 2000). Individuals are suffering from the feeling, that they can not adjust to the changing environment, can not build their normal interaction with the world around. Also rather negative influence is brought by unfinished business. Often Gestalt therapists see their aim exactly in investigating the roots of patient’s grief, anger, guilt in relation with some unfinished business, which makes the obstacles for complete self-awareness of the patient. REBT therapists see the roots of maladjustment in the way how their patients treat the events and think about the things around them. Life experience, along with individual biological aspects, is responsible for possibility of emotional disturbances.In order to distract from unpleasant reality and the consequent emotional problems, it is necessary to accept the real situation. REBT therapists aim to help their patients in developing three types of acceptance: â€Å"(1) unconditional self-acceptance; (2) unconditional other-acceptance; and (3) unconditional life-acceptance (Velten, 2010). As soon as an individual is able to feel comfortable about such facts that everybody has flaws, along with good points, sometimes people around do not treat each other fairly and life is not always going the way we want, and develop acceptance of them, he is able to go out of emotionally depressed state.Psychoanalytic theory is another approach for identifying the structure of personality and the major driving forces for human behavior. Within the 19th century Sigmund Freud came out with his psychoanalytic theory, based on brain and physiological studies. He stated that childhood events have the primary influence upon the formation of mentality of adult individuals. He presented people, as those having aggressive and sexual drives, making the behavior of them strongly deterministic. â€Å"It is governed by irrational forces, and the unconscious, as wel l instinctual and biological drives. Due to this deterministic nature, psychoanalytic theorists do not believe in free will†(Velten 2010).Alfred Adler, a well-known philosopher and psychiatrist, in his turn suggested investigation of social context for understanding the roots of human psychological problems. He developed the theory of encouragement, stating that a person is able to develop his best sides, when he is encouraged and on the contrary – lack of encouragement can make him act in unhealthy ways. This theory seems to be good rather for children that adults.Between 1940s and 1950s psychologist Carl Rogers developed PCT – a form of talk- psychotherapy – person –centered psychotherapy. The main aim of therapists here is to help their patients develop the sense of self, along with realization of how their attitudes and behavior can be negatively affected (Rogers, 1980). In spite of serious critic from behaviorists, this therapy proved to bring effect and positive results. One of the most strong points of this theory is the presentation of therapist and client as equals. This gives the chance for the client to take the complete responsibility for all improvements in his life and views, whereas in other theories – this role is usually passed to the therapist. The role of the therapist thus is limited to just a friendly counselor. â€Å"If there are any techniques they are listening, accepting, understanding and sharing, which seem more attitude-orientated than skills-orientated†(Rogers, 1980).Overall, having briefly studies several well-known psychological theories, including Gestalt Theory /Behavioral Theory REBT/ Cognitive based, Psychoanalytic, Adler’s and Person Centered approach, we can conclude, that Person Centered approach is the strongest one in developing of potential of people, who in fact are able to find the best ways in their lives; realization, fulfillment, autonomy, self-determination, being the major aims of this therapy are also the key aspects for becoming a happy and self-sufficient personality.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Renaissance and how this Era influence fashion trends and designers Essay
Renaissance and how this Era influence fashion trends and designers now days - Essay Example zed clothing became more popular as sewing and stitching technologies became widespread and the world moved into the era of industrialization (Breward). It was then precisely that the fashion industry was born; henceforth the concept of fashion came into existence. Renaissance is one of the hallmarks of fashion and cultural movements spanning from 14th to the 17th century (Zirpolo). It encompassed not just art and fashion but also influenced science, literature, politics as well as many other aspects of human life having a profound impact on the way of life (Zirpolo). It is no surprise, therefore, that designers also fell prey to the fashion marked by this movement which are followed to date. Works from famous fashion designers from Italy and Germany, including Rene Ward, Andrew Mc Clellan and John Sir Michael Struck were the hallmarks of the Renaissance movement. The fashion trends that emerged in this era were diverse, ranging from flares and broad barrel-shaped attire to narrower, slimmer gowns. Perhaps majority of the trends that emerged from the Renaissance era bear resemblance to contemporary fashion. Garments were considered a symbol of wealth for the nobles and riches as is the case today; although it was more so back then in the Renaissance era. Garments were viewed as adornments of wealth, creating stark divisions between the rich (nobles) and the poor. This continues to be a trend to date. Dark colors in particular were preferred in an attempt to showcase ornaments, jewelry and other accessories (Moose). The more articulate the tailoring (with cuts and flairs) the higher the prestige of its owner and the more highly exquisite the clothing was considered. (Breward). The riches did not compromise on clothing even during tough times, as is the case today. Clothing is still seen as crucial to the portrayal of prosperity and wealth (Mack). This is evident to date in, for instance, Great Britain where the Royal Family continues to extravagantly
Friday, October 18, 2019
Long paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Long paper - Essay Example tific realism provides a cause effect relationship that helps to substantiate their way of reasoning, hence providing an efficient way of explaining physical phenomena. From a critical point of view, scientific modeling and existence of different experimental approaches provides cohesive formulas that can explain scientific phenomena. As a result, scientific theories have found their way in defining different situations that no other school of thoughts can explain. Therefore, the logical nature of scientific realism has made it more applicable in defining scientific phenomena in the contemporary world. The argument is that modeling and experimentation makes scientific realism a compelling approach despite the existence of false assumptions in development of scientific theories. Scientific realism is one of the traditional schools of thought that seek to explain the truth about complex phenomena of the world. The main tenet of scientific realism is that scientific theories, in a great way, provide factual and truthful information on the nature of the world. Notably, scientific theories have provided reliable explanation on complex phenomena from the way atoms behave to the way they the different elements of the world behave. Scientists have engaged in a wide range of activities including observation, experimentation and modeling to explain the nature of the world. History has defined the variation of theories and progressive scientific innovation. Recently, there has been an upsurge of criticism of the scientific approach as many authors’ expose different sides of the same coin (Boyd 54). While a number feel that these theories are reliable in explaining different situations, others view them as inferior and subject to manipulation. The opponents of these ideas state that scientific realism is subject to manipulation and that it fails to stand the test of time. The fact science leaves room for theoretical expansion has been exploited as a weakness of this idea of
Jane Austen Northanger Abbey Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Jane Austen Northanger Abbey - Essay Example The novel traces the metamorphosis of Catherine Morland, the wide-eyed ingà ©nue, who mixes the imagined world of her Gothic novels with the reality of her existence, and her final rapprochement with the truth that life is different from what her imagination had portrayed it to be. â€Å"Northanger Abbey†on one level can be treated as a novel of manners, since it encompasses most of the traits that conform to this genre. The novel is a commentary on the life in nineteenth century England and much emphasis has been placed on the components of proper and improper behavior. The story itself is a kind of â€Å"coming-of-age†narrative, where we see the 17 year old Catherine Morland grow up from a wide eyed immature girl into the confident woman who knows how to take her rightful place in society. Catherine’s growth is not only concerned with learning, but it is a process of unlearning all that she has imbibed from the Gothic novels she relishes. She has to master the art of curbing her imagination and instead learn to grapple with reality. The social conventions of the time are portrayed brilliantly by Jane Austen in her works and in â€Å"Northanger Abbey†we see her outlook towards the custom of primogeniture, which she has dealt with in her other works too. Austen juxtaposes the profligate natural heir with a younger but more capable sibling, who is denied a part in the family fortune only because of a stroke of fate. In â€Å"Northanger Abbey,†the Tilney brothers are a perfect example of the absurdity of this law. Frederick Tilney â€Å"disobedient and sensual†heir apparent to his father’s fortune shows a complete lack of disregard to social conventions, directly in proportion to his unchallenged legal position as heir. (Popham , Sir John) Henry Tilney, on the other hand is more suited to carry out the proper management of the Tilney estate and also create stronger family bonds. The issue of primogeniture inheritance laws and
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Capital budget purchase Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Capital budget purchase - Term Paper Example This item was prioritized for the broader benefits that it will bring to my department. The item is specially designed for easy operation for hospital caregivers to help them keep and manage the patients’ health records. For our surgical department services to be more efficient in accessing the patient’s records remotely and attend to the patients’ need effectively, this equipment will highly be required. Therefore, my choice for this equipment is founded on the basis that much efficiency will be derived from its use in order to improve the department’s service delivery ability (Eric, Paul, Anita, David, Kathleen, & Elizabeth, 2011). The estimated cost for the equipment is about $5,100, but the resulting improvement in patient care of the department will be much higher than this. Managerial Goals Productivity: The decision to purchase this equipment will increase productivity and service delivery whereby care givers and surgeons in charge will be able to a ccess the patients’ charts remotely, they will be able to be alerted to attend to medical error and even be reminded to provide preventive care to their patients, hence high productivity is expected to result from the equipment purchase. Productivity will also result when the caregivers will not be expected to be around their patients throughout, and can only respond to their needs when alerted by the equipment, hence giving them time to attend to other duties. Quality: this equipment will enhance quality service delivery as most of the records will be automated and even in situations where the caregivers could have forgotten, they will be reminded by the device. Development: As a manager, by making this purchase, I will be ensuring that I bring new development to my staff and department as a whole. For the development to occur there must be a positive growth. And this technology is directed towards realizing this positive growth. Employee Support: this equipment, given its h igh efficiency level, will provide a lot of support to the employees as it is able to perform several things that could have been performed by the employees, effectively. Employees will therefore find their work much easier in providing care to their patients than when they use the manual records system. Economic Environment Enhancement There are various duties performed by this new electronic health record, which could otherwise be performed by the hospital employees. These include accessing the patients’ charts, attending to critical lab values, alert to potential medical error, provision of preventive care, identifying lab needed tests among others. The electronic health record system makes these duties easier to perform, as it automatically detects the required service and alert the person concerned to attend to the patient. This system when applied, will reduce cost of employing several employees since there will be no need to hire several caregivers when several of thei r duties can be performed by the electronic health record. As this cost is reduced, the department can divert this cost to other areas that really require much funding. Therefore, economically, this equipment can help my department save a lot of cost and enhance other areas with the same cost. Organizational Goals Patient Care: As it is in the goals of the organization to give the best care to the patients in an effort to
What Is Humes Theory Regarding Causation How Does It Show The Limits Essay
What Is Humes Theory Regarding Causation How Does It Show The Limits Of Human Understanding - Essay Example They try to knock at the levels of spirituality, but due to their egoistic approach of trying to know the necessary connection, they get stuck up. They are unable to transcend the mind level, and enter the realm of bliss, where there are no differences. It is the conflict-free zone. For every mind-level argument there is a counter argument. By such arguments the solution is impossibility. Whether the philosophers like Hume agree or not, theory regarding Causation cannot be solved by applying secular methods of proofs. Human understanding, power of discriminations has limitations. â€Å"The Philosopher David Hume is famous for making us realize that until we know the Necessary Connection / cause of things then all human knowledge is uncertain, merely a habit of thinking based upon repeated observation (induction), and which depends upon the future being like the past.†This is an example of getting stuck at the mind-level. By mind-level thinking, the functioning and limitations of the mind cannot be understood. The power that is above the mind can only understand and control the mind. For example, the Major in the army takes orders from Colonel, the higher authority. Further, look at the wavering mind and how David Hume tries to grope in the dark, hankering to see the light. â€Å"I must confess that a man is guilty of unpardonable arrogance who concludes, because an argument has escaped his own investigation, that therefore it does not really exist. I must also confess that, though all the learned, for several ages, should have employed themselves in fruitless search upon any subject, it may still, perhaps, be rash to conclude positively that the subject must, therefore, pass all human comprehension.†Good confession by Hume, but what next? â€Å"Every action has an equal and opposite reaction,†this is the third of Sir Isaac Newton’s Laws of physics. Application of this law is not only confined to the space flights science, but to the entire universe. The intensity and magnitude, with which an act is performed, will necessarily have an equivalent effect in the opposite direction. It means that the intensity of your action i s directly related to the intensity of its effect being experienced by you. No act goes unnoticed or unaccounted. A human being must strive to get and experience the knowledge of both the outer physical and inner psycho-spiritual world. Hume must know that there is something beyond the sensory experiences, known as metaphysical experience or the supra-sensory experience. The lower knowledge of the empirical world is kindergarten stuff as compared to the supra-sensory experiences. Hume asserts as stated in paragraph one above, â€Å"until we know the Necessary Connection / cause of things then all human knowledge is uncertain.†What is the remedy then and is there a procedure to know the â€Å"connection and the cause†? The different approaches to everything, physical, social, religious, cultural, scientific, even all the cosmic occurrences seem to be following just â€Å"One Cause.†The one who realizes the truth about that â€Å"One Cause†does not give much relevance to the mundane occurrences of daily life to conclude that â€Å"future being like the past,†as articulated by Hume. Intellectual philosophers (like Hume) remain unaware of the Cause of grand unification of everything because they are experiencing only on the physical level, which is just the part of the Cause. The Cause cannot be known by physical instruments and experiments. One has to dive within to know it. One cannot watch every part of the macrocosm but can look inside the microcosm to know the Cause which is reflected inside. The journey from
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Capital budget purchase Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Capital budget purchase - Term Paper Example This item was prioritized for the broader benefits that it will bring to my department. The item is specially designed for easy operation for hospital caregivers to help them keep and manage the patients’ health records. For our surgical department services to be more efficient in accessing the patient’s records remotely and attend to the patients’ need effectively, this equipment will highly be required. Therefore, my choice for this equipment is founded on the basis that much efficiency will be derived from its use in order to improve the department’s service delivery ability (Eric, Paul, Anita, David, Kathleen, & Elizabeth, 2011). The estimated cost for the equipment is about $5,100, but the resulting improvement in patient care of the department will be much higher than this. Managerial Goals Productivity: The decision to purchase this equipment will increase productivity and service delivery whereby care givers and surgeons in charge will be able to a ccess the patients’ charts remotely, they will be able to be alerted to attend to medical error and even be reminded to provide preventive care to their patients, hence high productivity is expected to result from the equipment purchase. Productivity will also result when the caregivers will not be expected to be around their patients throughout, and can only respond to their needs when alerted by the equipment, hence giving them time to attend to other duties. Quality: this equipment will enhance quality service delivery as most of the records will be automated and even in situations where the caregivers could have forgotten, they will be reminded by the device. Development: As a manager, by making this purchase, I will be ensuring that I bring new development to my staff and department as a whole. For the development to occur there must be a positive growth. And this technology is directed towards realizing this positive growth. Employee Support: this equipment, given its h igh efficiency level, will provide a lot of support to the employees as it is able to perform several things that could have been performed by the employees, effectively. Employees will therefore find their work much easier in providing care to their patients than when they use the manual records system. Economic Environment Enhancement There are various duties performed by this new electronic health record, which could otherwise be performed by the hospital employees. These include accessing the patients’ charts, attending to critical lab values, alert to potential medical error, provision of preventive care, identifying lab needed tests among others. The electronic health record system makes these duties easier to perform, as it automatically detects the required service and alert the person concerned to attend to the patient. This system when applied, will reduce cost of employing several employees since there will be no need to hire several caregivers when several of thei r duties can be performed by the electronic health record. As this cost is reduced, the department can divert this cost to other areas that really require much funding. Therefore, economically, this equipment can help my department save a lot of cost and enhance other areas with the same cost. Organizational Goals Patient Care: As it is in the goals of the organization to give the best care to the patients in an effort to
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Sarbanes-Oxley Act Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Sarbanes-Oxley Act - Essay Example Examples include WorldCom and Enron companies. According to section 404(a) of the Act, it is a requirement that managements of companies assess their Internal Controls effectiveness and report on the same over financial reporting. Also, Subsection (b) of the same section, calls on independent auditors to attest to the assessments done by the managements. This is regarding Internal Controls effectiveness. The opinion of the study is that it is not too much a regulation. As stipulated by the Securities and Exchange Commissions report, the enactment of section 404 of the Sarbox Act have proven too costly. The outlays are incredibly high to companies, which has led to some attempts at their reduction while upholding effectiveness like the reforms of year 2007. (sec.gov, 2009) However, the cost of implementation is far much less than the 2001-2002 business scandals cost. These are with the inclusion of Global Crossing, Tyco, WorldCom and Enron companies, which shook the confidence of investors a great deal. (Hallberg, 2008 p390) A case at hand to support the argument that, it is not too much regulation is that of the collapsed Enron Company. This is where, in October 2001, Enron company had made public their third quarter earnings report where they purported to have realized an after tax Earnings of USD 1.01 billion. On the same date of reporting, Enron had cut down equity of shareholders by USD 1.2 billion, which it claimed to be the rectification of accounting errors. In November, 2001 the company filed with the SEC Form 8-K, considering the current events. This form 8-K stipulated that Enron would like to restate their financial statements from year 1997 through 2001 June. These statements led to a shocking fall of income of USD 569 million. In the same year, 2001, Enron Company filed for bankruptcy which triggered investigations. (De Vay, 2006 p3) As said earlier, as stipulated by the Securities and Exchange
How Diversity Relates to Education Essay Example for Free
How Diversity Relates to Education Essay In the general education system, it is very important that there is a wide array of diverse groups in the classroom. â€Å"It is important to have a diverse student body, not only to create a realistic setting but also to encourage people to grow outside their boundaries and learn something new about a culture they may not be familiar with. (Pendulum 1) I believe diversity is an important part of the educational system. It is something positive, and not something one should fear. I also believe that diversity I crucial to a growing child. In this essay, I will address how diversity relates to education in general and how it relates to me as a future teacher. Diversity and education in America is an important topic in today’s education system. Inclusion is a key factor in the classroom; it helps bring diversity in to the lives of many children all over the world. By having diversity in the classroom students can learn about peoples differences that make them special and unique. Through my time in taking this diversity class I have come to realize how important it is to teach children that everyone is different and special in their own way. As the student population in American schools becomes increasingly diverse, educators must respond with school reform efforts that meet the needs of all students. In order to do so, teachers need to be prepared to take on the diverse student population. Going through the school of education and this diversity class, I am able to understand now that teachers must develop a culturally sensitive curriculum that integrates multicultural viewpoints and histories, to apply instructional strategies that encourage all students to achieve, and review school and district policies related to educational equity. From my educational background so far I know that teachers must become adept at choosing printed, electronic, and audiovisual materials, and in selecting topics and assignments that value the wide variety of perspectives and interests that exist among the students in any given classroom. The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect, it means understanding each student in the classroom is unique and recognizing their individual differences. â€Å"Children exposed to diverse cultures in the classroom learn to understand different points of view, which is an important part of education†(Canadian Teachers 1). Children learn to celebrate differences and learn how to work together to be successful. If teachers are accepting of students differences they will be able to look at students for their potential instead of with a bias in mind, and this will help them teach more successfully. As a future teacher, I think it is important to create a tolerant, accepting and caring classroom atmosphere and here are a couple things one can do as a teacher to incorporate diversity in the classroom. By discussing diversity, and why it is a positive thing, creating lesson plans that discuss the cultures of my students and cultures of the community I teach in, by discussing religious beliefs of the community, and by speaking to students about disabilities and at risk students will help children in my class realize that these differences do not make someone less than them. I would also teach students about socioeconomic issues and how they affect students, and will teach the differences in gender and about gender stereotypes. I will teach these stereotypes but allow both boys and girls in my classroom the same equal opportunities. I believe discussing these issues to today’s youth will help show students that all people have needs, and I would emphasize that it is important for students to accept and help each other in order to benefit themselves and the world around them. I think that by teaching lessons that incorporate diversity students can identify and overcome biases, and as a teacher I will also learn about my biases from the students in my care. As a teacher it is important to make sure the classroom atmosphere is comfortable in order to ensure productivity. Teaching students that differences are a good thing and those differences can be learned from and valued is a way to help ensure a positive classroom environment. As a teacher I will help my students understand biases, and I will help them be able to accept differences and treat people fairly by educating them about the differences of the people around them. I believe there are many ways a teacher can incorporate diversity lessons into the classroom. Overall, I believe that teaching students to respect each other despite their differences will benefit the students, the teachers, and the rest of the world. Diversity is an important topic today because everyone is different and unique; as a teacher I understand that I will never be in a school that is not a diverse teaching environment. I think that by taking this diversity class, it has helped me to realize and understand the importance diversity in the classroom and the community has to offer.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Role Of The Line Manager
Role Of The Line Manager Introduction The essay topic I have chosen is â€Å"the role of the line manager as a facilitator of HRD†. The reasons behind my choice are as a result of my experience of working with Citigroup on my INTRA placement. I gained first hand experience of the efforts made by, and at times the shortfalls of my line manager when she was interacting with my fellow employees and I. I discovered that the line manager can have a profound influence on the attitudes towards work held by their subordinates, and this can affect the level and degree of learning which takes place within the work environment. I found that poor management of the facilitation of HRD training was detrimental to both my fellow employees development, general level of contentment and satisfaction within the workplace and their overall productivity within their roles. My essay will first deal with the responsibilties of the line manager in facilitating HRD. Subsequently, it will deal with the methods by which HRD can be implemented by line managers. It will also address the implications of greater line manager involvement in HRD. My aim is to provide a deeper understanding of the managerial processes that managers can employ to facilitate knowledge integration and transfer to their co-workers. Main Body A line manager can be defined as a ‘management figure who is authorized to direct the work of subordinates and is responsible for accomplishing organizational goals. (Dessler, G, 2000). A line manager is traditionally held accountable for ensuring that results are satisfactory and enabling the achievement of goals through the employees who report to them. In recent years, the expectations of the line managers role have changed. Line managers are increasingly entrusted with human resource development, and in some instances are held accountable for any shortfalls in adheering to this new responsibility. It can prove difficult for line managers to take on the additional responsibility due to existing workloads, lack of skills and inexperience of fulfilling such a role. Line managers, rather than HRD specialists, are very familiar with the business context of both organizational and individual learning needs. They are closer to the daily operations and customers. This gives line managers a unique knowledge advantage concerning organisational realities and needs, which can aid their understanding of issues arising in the daily context of work, and knowledge gaps among the workforce. There has been a move towards line managers assuming roles with a developmental focus and undertaking positions as facilitators of learning and skill expansion. This move is a part of the recent trend of empowering employees at all levels in an organisation to expand their knowledge base and responsibilities to ensure that a variety of multiskilled employees are on hand to tackle any situation that the business may be able to direct them at. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx In order to be equipped to tackle a role in HRD, substantial investments in capacity and skill development of line managers is necessary to ensure that they are equipped to carry out their new responsibilities. Ultimately, the development and performance of a business workforce is substantially influenced by the management they operate under. Investing the necessary time, money and effort into this area is critical for the effective operation and development of an organisations processes and the employees who are charged with carrying these out. This is important as, ‘one of the principle reasons for members of the workforce leaving an organisation is due to perceived poor handling of the manner in which their talents and skills base are managed (Hay, 2002, p52-55). According to Gennard and Kelly, encouraging line managers to participate in a more centralised and involved role in HRD provides opportunities for them to experience personal growth and greater competencies as a by product of this new responsibility. The stand to gain greater competencies in managing and maintaining relationships with the people they work with on a day-to-day basis. This would be possible because of their familiarity with both the needs and expectations of employees on a business wide as well as a personal level (1997, p27-42). It is paramount that line managers recognise their role in facilitating and providing for a working environment which both promotes and supports learning. They must be aware of how critical this step is to securing the best learning environment possible for their subordinates. This entails implementing a programme of continuous learning. This would encompass on-the-job training, which from personal experience I can confidently state that I found to be far more beneficial than my time spend in classroom based training sessions in the workplace. Incorporating an effective system of both formal and informal learning and feedback on a continuous basis should be recognised not just as a benefit, but as a necessity of the everyday working environment. This should be done from the very beginning of an employees tenure in a business organisation. Individual employees should be given encouragement to seek and take control of their learning process, and attempts at looking to better themselves should be recognised and where appropriate, rewarded. Opportunities should be provided by the line manager to utilise ‘cross training to enhance their skills base, meetings to provide and receive feedback on job performance and shortfalls and mentoring programs to help employees to adapt to life in their working environment as seamlessly and comfortably as possible (Cunningham, and Hyman, 1997, p9-27). According to the study by Jurgita Ã…Â iugÃ…Â ¾dinien, five main roles were identified which demonstrate what is expected by line managers in the context of HRD. These were that: Line managers are expected to discuss the performance and professional development of their subordinates with them on a regular basis. They are expected to liase with HRD training specialists on a wide variety of HRD and HRM issues to ensure advancement of development programs and constant feedback. They should show an active interest in conveying their interest in and support for the learning of their subordinates as part of their day-to-day responsibilities in their role. They should be proactive and heavily involved in the training and learning and development aspect of their subordinates learning within the workplace. They should be actively involved in the development of HRD strategy (2008, p33). An important influence on the attitudes of line managers towards HRD is their perception of the role they play in the development process, which ultimately affects their attitudes and motivations towards their part in the process. A study by Andrea D. Ellinger and Robert P. Bostrom, found that line managers differentiate between how they perceive their roles in facilitating the learning of employees in learning oriented organisations. Their study found that managers see a distinction between ‘managing and ‘coaching. They see them as being separate functions and in some cases, opposing influences on each other requiring a different skill set to effectively implement them. ‘Managers were perceived as being those in charge in positions of authority. Conversely, coaches were viewed as those in their positions who were entrusted with helping employees to succeed (2002, p147-179). On major barrier in the effective implementation of HRD duties by line managers is due to a lack of coaching skills and insufficient line management motivation. This outlook on the role in question is reinforced by findings that the least popular HRD delivery mechanisms include coaching and mentoring. According to Heraty, this may be due to the large commitment of time and resources needed, or that it varies considerably from the speciality skills that managers generally possess and are used to implementing in their own tried and tested fashion (2000. p21-33). By making the process more attractive to both those who administer and receive this form of HRD delivery, it is likely that organisations would see beneficial implications for the business, management and employees themselves. According to a study by McGovern and Gratton, some managers are of the opinion that they expect the HRD function to disappear over time, ‘as learning issues become ever more integrated with the responsibilities of general management. In other cases, some managers appear to see a different role for HRD professionals in the future as they transfer to the role of organizational change consultants. The study notes that the responsibility for HRD is not commonly included within the terms of a line managers performance objectives. ‘It may prove difficult for line managers to act in two opposing roles that of an assessor and that of a coach. Furthermore, line managers are not specialists in HRD. They may lack the necessary confidence, knowledge and organizational support to assume the required responsibility for HRD implementation (1997, p12-29). According to a study by Renwick, there are significant differences in the role of line managers based on the nature of business undertaken by their organisations. ‘Based on the ownership of the organisations; there are significant differences in line managers role in performance counselling, career planning, salary decisions, grievance handling, and employee termination†(2003, p262-280). This indicates that it is necessary to clarify what exactly is expected of line managers with regard to HRD, and what becomes of the role of HRD professionals should responsibility transfer to line management. Research by Ellinger and Bostrom indicated that managers were viewed as those who have to make the hard decisions, some of which would not be viewed as being consistent with those of being a coach. Managers were perceived to be involved in actions such as ‘ordering, judging and controlling the employees they worked with, whereas coaches had far more of a positive influence on their employees learning and morale, by empowering them to learn, helping them to more fully understand and removing as many obstacles that may inhibit their ability to learn. Conversely, coaches/HRD staff were seen to have far more of an influence in empowering employees to make decisions and in the process, to grow and develop into so that they can exert more influence as they increase their abilities and competencies. Managers and coaches in this study agreed that these roles were, in many cases, ‘distinct from each other and there were differing mental models and approaches that tied in with each role which influence how managers perceive different situations and how their approach will vary when addressing a situation depending on these models (2002, p147-179). All of the managers in the aforementioned study envisaged their role and responsibilities as entailing helping their employees to grow and develop to make sure that they understand how their role ties in to the rest of the organisation and how they can fulfil what is expected of them in this capacity. Managers in the study viewed the roles of being a manager and the concept of being a facilitator of learning as ‘dichotomous roles, but acknowledged that there were ‘eventualities which would involved moving between these roles in the nature of their work (Ellinger and Bostrom, 2002, p147-179). Since line managers usually are not specialists in HRD, they should be periodically screened and assessed with respect to their performance in fulfilling their roles, and their understanding of various learning needs. This should be done in both their area of their specialty, and in the area of Human Resource Development to ensure they are sufficiently confident and competent. It is important to increase their skill and knowledge in HRD, and it is advisable to consider incorporating HRD skills training in all varieties of training packages for managers. The capacity of line managers to provide advice and consultancy to all employees, be they managers or subordinates, should also be developed. Senior managers must be highly supportive in the HRD role of line managers, and an incentive system should be developed to motivate them to embrace it more fully through co-operation with HRD staff and additional training. This is essential, as ‘acting as a HRD facilitator demands a coaching management style, as opposed to a directive management style (Garavan, 1995, 11-16). The trend of increased line manager involvement is identified in the study by de Jong. He states that ‘there is a tendency toward decentralizing HRD responsibilities within organizations. He categorises the new line manager functions into three distinct areas: Analytic role: just as first-level managers are expected to discuss periodically the performance and the developmental needs of their subordinates, they should be periodically screened with respect to their performance and their developmental needs in respect of production and also in people management. Supportive role: just as they are expected to show interest in their subordinates developmental activities on a daily basis, line managers should experience continuous support from their superiors in their attempts to improve their skills. Trainer role: Just as they should provide training and coaching to their subordinates, they should receive instruction and guidance in order to develop in their management role (1999, pp176-183). Conclusion Greater management involvement in HRD reflects a significant transformation of line management responsibility in organisations. Before displacing traditional HRD roles, substantial investments in the capacity development of line managers is needed to ensure that they are capable of carrying out their new responsibilities. It can be concluded that line managers have not assumed responsibility for HRD across the board. It is difficult to fulfil this role, either because of their workload, lack of skill or lack of traditional management involvement in this area. Cooperation between line management and HRD specialists exists. However a lack of line managers involvement in HRD, as well as limited capacities of HRD specialists to support, liaise and consult with line managers can hinder this process. Future research into this area may reveal approaches by which managers can be trained in order to gain the required skill sets to be able to handle both levels of competency in which there is currently a grey area. Removing the rigid views of what it takes to be a ‘manager or ‘HRD professional and incorporating a new perspective of what the expectations of a line manager are in this process is an essential step in reconciling this process. Only after doing so can progressive steps be taken in implementing the line manager firmly in a position to facilitate an effective HRD function as part of their role. Line managers should be given more ownership of HRD strategies, allowing them to have more involvement in decision making at the policy formulation level. They should also be given the opportunity to provide input into developing a more strategic partnership with HRD specialists. In this way, they would develop a better understanding of the broader perspective of both roles and could address any weaknesses in the process. Taking an active role in supporting their employees in learning and development should become an integral part of a line managers performance objectives. References Cunningham I. and Hyman J. (1997) Devolving human resource responsibilities to the line: Beginning of the end or new beginning for personnel? Personnel Review, Vol.28, No.1/2, pp9-27. de Jong J.A., Leenders F.J. and Thijssen J.G.L.(1999) HRD tasks of first level managers. Journal of Workplace Learning, Vol.11, Issue 5, pp176-183. Dessler, G. (2000) Human Resource Management. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, Ellinger, A.D. and Bostrom, R.P. (2002) ‘An Examination of Managers Beliefs about their Roles as Facilitators of Learning, Management Learning, 33 (2): 147-79 Garavan, T. N. (1995) Stakeholders and Strategic Human Resource Development. Journal of European Industrial Training, 1995, Vol. 19, No 10, 11-16. Gennard J. and Kelly J. (1997) The unimportance of labels: the diffusion of the personnel/ HRM function Industrial Relations Journal, Vol.28, No.1, pp27-42. Gibb S. (2003) Line manager involvement in learning and development: Small beer or big deal? Employee Relations, Vol.25, No.3, pp281-293. Hay, M. Strategies for Survival in the War of Talent,.Career Development International, 2002, Vol. 7, No 1, 52-55. Heraty N. and Morley M. (1995) Line managers and human resource development. Journal of European Industrial Training, Vol.19, Issue 10, pp31-37. Hutchinson, S. and Purcell, J.(2003) Bringing Policies to Life: The vital role of front line managers in people management. CIPD, London. McGovern P., Gratton L. and Hope-Hailey V. (1997) Human resource management on the line? Human Resource Management Journal, Vol.7, No.4, pp12-29. Renwick D. (2003) Line manager involvement in HRM: an inside view? Employee Relations, Vol.25, No.3, pp262-280. Ã…Â iugÃ…Â ¾dinien, Jurgita (2008) Line Manager Involvement in Human Resource Development, VIEÃ…Â OJI POLITIKA IR ADMINISTRAVIMAS, p32-36 Thornhill A.and Saunders M.N.K. (1998), ‘What if line managers dont realize theyre responsible for HR? Lessons from an organisation experiencing rapid change, Personnel Review, Vol.27, No.6, pp460-476.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Mama Day by Gloria Naylor :: Mama Day Gloria Naylor Literature Essays
Mama Day by Gloria Naylor The comparisons--North vs. South, city vs. country, technology vs. nature--are numerous and have been well documented in 20th century literature. Progress contrasts sharply with rooted cultural beliefs and practices. Personalities and mentalities about life, power and change differ considerably between worlds... worlds that supposed-intellectuals from the West would classify as "modern" and "backwards," respectively. When these two worlds collide, the differences--and the danger--rise significantly. This discrepancy between the old and the new is one of the principal themes of Gloria Naylor's Mama Day. The interplay between George, Ophelia and Mama Day shows the discrepancies between a "modern" style of thinking and one born of spirituality and religious beliefs. Dr. Buzzard serves as a weak bridge between these two modes of thought. In Mama Day, the Westernized characters fail to grasp the power of the Willow Springs world until it is too late. "When I was just out of school I worked with a team of engineers in redesigning a nozzle for a nuclear steam turbine generator... It was an awesome machine... And when it ran... lighting up every home in New York, a feeling radiated through the pit of my stomach as if its nerve endings were connected to each of those ten million light bulbs. That was power. But the winds coming around the corners of that house was God" (251). George's experience in the hurricane is just one example of the contrasts between technology and spirituality. George ardently believes that every problem can be solved with rational thinking, planning and plenty of hard work. His obsession with fixing the bridge after the hurricane further illustrates this point; despite assurances from Mama Day and Dr. Buzzard that the bridge would be built in its own time, George diligently pushes the townsfolk beyond their capacity to work. His behavior surrounding the bridge--not to mention the boat he tries to mend--is bas ed on his desire to save Ophelia from a strange illness. He ignores the advice and guidance of Mama Day and plunges into the crisis through rational means. Ultimately, he loses his own life when saving his beloved wife, though George never understands how or why. Dr. Buzzard had warned him that "A man would have grown enough to know that really believing in himself means that he ain't gotta be afraid to admit there's some things he can't do alone" (292).
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Citizenship, Political Liberalism and the National Curriculum Essay
Citizenship, Political Liberalism and the National Curriculum I shall maintain in this essay that the civic education proposed in the new National Curriculum subject called Citizenship is not in harmony with the educational aims and principles stated in The Education Reform Act, 1988, in which the National Curriculum itself was established. I shall argue further that the present institutional arrangements for the whole of education are contrary to the spirit of the civic education outlined in Citizenship. To pursue the argument I shall draw on John Rawls’ insight that, in a modern democracy such as that in the UK, the idea of a democratic state with a single generally agreed moral or religious doctrine is no longer useful. In Political Liberalism he writes about this notion: That conception of social unity is excluded by the fact of reasonable pluralism; it is no longer a political possibility for those who accept the constraints of liberty and toleration of democratic institutions. (p.201) He uses the notion of justice as fairness to indicate how the state may deal justly with its citizens in a pluralist society. He defines justice as fairness in terms of two principles of justice. The first is that all people must have the same political rights and liberties. The second principle is that of equality of opportunity. Rawls then restricts the sphere of influence of these principles to that of political, social and economic institutions. This position he calls ‘political liberalism’. He maintains that this political liberalism should be seen as a freestanding moral system applicable only to political, social and economic institutions. This is somewhat difficult to swallow if only in terms of exactly how this limit... ...ply to all pupils. Pupils do not receive the same civic education. Fourth, the institutions are not freely available in terms of fair competition although both systems are state controlled. If, therefore, equality of opportunity is indeed One of a broad set of common values and purposes which underpin the school curriculum and the work of the school as the Secretary of State claims, then I submit that both our current National Curriculum and our current institutional arrangements are not in line with this value, and that, therefore, the aims of Citizenship are unlikely to be realised. Bibliography RAWLS, J. (1996) Political Liberalism, Columbia University Press, New York, Chicago, Chichester Education Reform Act 1988: Secretary of State’s Preface and opening sections National Curriculum Values 2002 Citizenship, Programme of Study Key Stage 4
Friday, October 11, 2019
Logistic: Inventory and Total Logistics Cost
Supply chain is a network of logistic systems. Logistics concerns one company's system. Supply chain includes different companies. E. G. Dell computer – the logistics is Just their company but the supply chain includes all the part suppliers. Their logistics system is a part of dells supply chain. It includes also the retailers and supplier. Other company's logistics included in Dell's supply chain. Logistics is an early version of the supply chain. Logistics originated in the US military. Flow of cargo (people, weapon in war is logistics. ) Organizing a course/seminar – logistics needed for success.Today all the successful companies find their competitiveness from logistics, not from the product itself. E. G. Walter (retailer, wholesaler, supermarket chain) – their competitive edge comes from logistics. They are not selling anything different from others. They have a superior logistics system. Logistics make them succeed. Dell also, service is good, price attrac tive – success comes from logistics. Another definition people define logistics differently but they mean the same thing. Slide Logistics/Concept 4 Instead of saying process, they say optimization, etc. Process of location.Says movement and storage of resources instead of saying goods/services and information. They call logistic activities economic activities. Transport is one of then, port services, production, storage, distribution, etc. – take place bet. The point of origin and point of destination and consumption. Logistics is about the 5 RSI. What are the 5 RSI? Logistics is about getting right goods at right place at right time in right form at right price. Military is really about this. In commercial entities we emphasize on the price a lot. This is also the definition of logistics.Right goods, right in quality in correct quantity. Different level of logistics. In-bound, out-bound logistics. Logistics of production (table, book, car, etc. ), there are two levels of logistics. Logistics within the production process – in the factory. How do you optimize the production within the factory? We call this operational logistics or workers together. How do you put temporary storage along the assembly line? All this is logistics. E. G. WHIM library – lack of space. How to maximize space? Library space layout. It's about logistics. Different factories have different layouts – this is logistics.We are interested in logistics before the production starts. The cargo coming into the factory and when the production is finished, the cargo moving out to the next step – all towards the final consumption. This is what we call in-bound and out-bound logistics. This is what we are interested in. Maritime transport takes part in inbound and out-bound logistics than for production logistics. We are interested in how to move material to production and from production to consumers. When we try to understand logistics, we look at some lo gistics questions for example a typical question is about where to find the raw material needed.Raw material may be in different places. Some places might have different quality and prices. The difference between that place and the production might be different and therefore remonstration time and cost might be different. Where to find energy supply? Labor supply? Should you move your factory offshore to benefit cheap labor? If you do that be careful that higher prices might have to be paid on other services for example transportation. Where to set up production bases? In shipping, where should the port be located? Where to build warehouse and distribution centre. E. . Toyota car has their distribution centre for the Nordic countries at the port of Mammal. Before that they had centre in all the countries. So many distribution centre, different logistics cost than if there is a concentration of activities. Where to have branch organizations? The answers consider a lot of activities i ncluding transportation. We are in maritime transport so we are affected by the customers decision. Other types of logistics questions for ex. How to transport from A to B and choice of transport mode – air sea, road. Egg. Oslo to Mammal – road, sea. Air, rail.Different modes of transport have different logistics implications. Ex field trips – logistics question, how to transport students – sea (too long), air, road, rail. How to transport container? Hub and spoke – benefit from economies of scale. More cargo handling costs. The best solution must be a logistics solution. Best way to transport cargo from A to B. Flow and storage from point of origin to destination to comply with customers' requirement. Moving from A to B different options – different solution. When should transport start – how long should it take. Route? Storage? How, when needed?Mat of cargo to be transported at one time? Economies of scale? Packing needed? Logistics is everywhere. Farmer from southern Sweden – buy fertilizer in Sweden, buy from Germany (expensive land transport), buy from US where its much cheaper, but he has to pay more transportation cost. Where to find the material? Emphasis is on maritime transport – movement of goods. Shipping co. Transport goods – need info to do so. Port and shipping concerned with flow and storage of goods. October 28, 2008 Session 2 Slide Logistics/Concept 9 There always has to be a logistics concept. And a logistics concept is what?It's about total cost concept. This is the most important concept. It looks easy but total cost concept is not always observed, so people make mistakes as a result. It is a customer service requirement. Logistics concept is also about outsourcing, integration, global about concept, it is also about processes. The processes we call drivers. It drives the logistics process. It can't all be about concept. It has to be something tangible. Logistics is abou t processes. We are doing these everyday, ex. Manufacturing and transportation, distribution, inventory control, procurement.These are all activities, but the difference between these and logistics are that we are doing these in an integrated manner under the concept of logistics. So we have the concept and the drivers. The difference between these activities and logistics, we are doing them under the total cost and the customer service concept, so this is relatively new. Third is IT. We call IT enablers – that enables us to do the processes under the concept of logistics. Sometimes we can't do the processes (drivers) without IT. Ex. Dell computers. They obtained their competitive edge from logistics.Logistics means to get a computer from the production to the customers without any retailers. No middlemen. Order online, design own computer. The aim of logistics is to minimize the total cost. Can only do this with IT tools. So the three components have to come together using t he IT tools. We need to understand the role of IT in the whole process. Ex. Just in Time system. This is Inventory control under the concept of egoistic using information technology. The 3 components have to work together. How do we take all these functions (MFC, transportation, distribution, warehousing, etc. In an integrated manner under the concept of logistics using IT tools. Ex. Individual delivery. Concept is to minimize total cost. Total cost is manufacturing, transport, didst. , etc. How do we minimize that? Use IT. Dell used IT to find out that their total cost will be minimized if they cut out the middle man. IT enables the cutting out of the middle man. Good online service. Shipping line is not making anything – it is a part of transport. Shipping companies as a company have logistics problems also. Shipping has a double role to play.Shipping is a part of the logistics chain of a customer, but at the same time they have their own logistics problem. Shipping's logis tics problems include arranging bunkers, choosing port of call, types of service to provide, empty container management, repositioning of containers, terminal logistics, fleet logistics, agency logistics, but shipping as a service provider is part of the logistics of customers. Ex. KEA – furniture maker – shipping important. Shipping has a double role to play. Ex. Wimp's logistics service. Logistics in third world countries is not good enough. Read World Bank Report.The three components of logistics are important. Dell manages their total cost through logistics, so does Wall-Mart. All the processes have to be IT enabled. Control-implementation-control. HP has a fixed model on the shelf. Dell, make your own – different customer service. One is enabled by IT. Logistics has 3 components – concept, process, IT. Slide logistics/Concept 10 Supply chain – different sources to choose from. Take one then the next step and the next. This is the flow of cargo from origin to destination – the flow of information from user to origin. Information flow and cargo flow go in opposite directions.Ex. Dell – the information goes from the customer to Dell and the cargo from Dell to the customer. How will the producer know what kind of products the consumer will need? The consumer will have to tell. Opposite directions. Dell transport one computer to each customer so the customer pays more for transportation, but other costs like the shops and overhead related costs do not exist. If we compare this cost with the cost is very important. Total cost concept can be better understood by looking at slide Logistics/Concept 1 1 . This is a Total cost in Logistics and Supply Chain System.Marketing and logistics are closely related. This picture is very true. What is marketing? It is about the 4 As – product, price, promotion, place. So in this marketing there is one component about place which is about logistics. In the logistics about the place and the customer service (where the customer wants the cargo to be) and there are other cost elements. Ex. Related to place, transport cost has to be incurred – also warehousing cost, flow and storage. Other costs like inventory costs will be incurred. What is the difference between inventory cost and warehousing cost – inventory cost for keeping goods in stock).Inventory cost is the value of the goods. Books for new WHIM students – cost of book (inventory) plus storage (warehousing). Processing and information cost – each time we order, we have to follow procedure, fill in forms, etc. Processing cost can be high. Egg. When we are transporting our boxes home, have to have bill of lading. This has a cost (processing and information cost). Lot quantity cost – economies of scale. Purchasing/transporting/buying a big amount and will benefit from economies of scale, this is called lot quantities. Put all these 5 elements together and this is total cost.The objective of logistics is not to optimize a cost element, it's not to minimize a cost element, but rather to optimize the total cost and minimize the total cost. Minimize the total cost – this is what logistics is all about. This is easier said than done. KIT, the idea is to reduce the inventory cost to zero if possible. At the same time warehousing cost is being reduced – this is a good system. What other cost will be affected – transport cost. All these cost elements are interrelated and interdependent. So interaction and interdependence are also important.Change of inventory will affect transport cost, lot quantity cost, etc. KIT system for example – daily consumption of rice. Let's say we eat egg of rice each time. Based on KIT, each time we need rice, we should buy only egg. Do we do this? No, then against KIT principle. We buy 200 kilos – 2 cost occur – inventory cost and the money spent on the rice cannot be used (capit al tied up – cash flow problem). If this money was put in the bank it would generate some interest. Where is the rice put? The place occupied by the rice can't be used for something else.In production if you buy too much to get economies of scale from purchasing, we'll incur a high inventory cost. If we are not buying kilos, we buy a quantity in between – say 2 kilo. Optimal total cost. If we buy egg each time inventory cost is zero – have to buy each time we need to cost. That is time and transport cost. Lot quantity cost will change as there is no savings to be got through economies of scale. And each time we buy there are other costs like information and processing (maybe not in the case of rice, but generally). Put all these costs together, and find a good place in between. We do this by Cost Trade-off.Cost Trade Off Slide Ex. Manufacturing activity involves making projectors in Mammal, Sweden and need to supply them to the rest of Europe. No distribution ce ntre, or warehouses, or depots, o because we cover the entire Europe, each time we have an order from someplace in Europe, we pack the projector and send it off. What do we save – inventory, we do not keep inventory. What do we have to spend more – transportation cost will be very expensive. We therefore have to find out if we have a warehouse somewhere in them from Mammal to the customer; we send it from that storage which is closer so we save transportation cost.How many such warehouses we need to cover Europe? It depends on the elements: transport, inventory, lot quantity, warehouse costs. In optimizing all these costs together is a logistics decision. Ex. In the case of the depots, we might have 8, 10, 12 to cover the entire Europe. What cost elements we have in the case of the distribution of projectors in Europe. First the systems cost, the processing and information cost. When there is a centre there needs to be a computer system, a financial system, etc. If the re is no centre, the system cost is very low.The more centre, the higher the system cost and this is a storage cost. If there is only one storage at the headquarters in Mammal, the cost would be relatively low. As the numbers of depots are being increased the storage cost will be very high. Inventory cost – more depots, more stock – higher inventory cost. Trucking cost – tree has trunk and branches. Trunk means main transportation, branches mean local delivery. Transport cargo from production to main distribution centre = trunk transport and then from distribution centre to each individual apartments = local delivery.Trucking cost – the more centre, the more trucking cost. If there are no depots, each time to ship from mammal to each individual location will be very high. The more depots, the less the local delivery cost will be. The total distribution cost is the addition of all cost, this is what we call total logistics cost. When we have the total logi stics cost curve it corresponds to the number 8 meaning there should be eight distribution centre. So this is the solution – 8 centre. As costs change, oil, etc, the optimal numbers of centre will change. Its not static, its dynamic (the Total Didst. Curve).Logistics – one has to plan, implement, control. If the individual costs are changed then total cost will be different – high/low. E. G. If the interest becomes low – inventory cost will be affected as the capital will become cheap. If oil cost increase, interest rate decrease – could end up with more centre which means saving more rainspout cost, esp.. Local delivery cost. Transport cost in total will be less. Inventory cost is dependent on interest rates. May have 9/10 depots. # of depots depend on cost elements. Cost trade off is important. With depots total cost is lower, so this will save cost.Having depot is a cost but the cost is lower than not to have them. E. G. KEA used to rent warehou ses, now they build – benefit of depreciation. Next Slide Logistics cost in the USA Logistics cost include transportation cost, inventory, warehousing, distributing, etc. How much logistics cost people pay as a percentage of a country GAP – 10% in the US. Inventory cost increase faster than the transportation cost bet. 1980 and 2005- why? Better inventory control, interest rate lower so inventory cost lower. Interest was low in the rest of the world until about 2005. Deflation = lower inventory cost.In other countries this percentage is much higher. China – 18% of GAP spent on logistics (used to be 20%). China is more representative of developing countries. So in developing countries logistics systems are not as efficient as those in industrialized countries. 9. 5% is similar in Europe and Japan (COED countries). In developing countries it's much higher. Includes all logistics cost element – transport, inventory, etc. – big room for improvement. Ne xt slide Customer service is another concept. Customer service is the output of logistic based, performance-based, philosophy based.Activity based e. G. After sales service, marketing, public relations. Performance based – what is the standard? Ex. Dell computer is performance based, delivered in 48 hours – performance-based customer service. Can be measured. Ex. , ports – waiting time for ships – rush. Philosophy based on what customers require is the customer service – according to customers taste – before, during, and after transaction. What is transaction? Buy goods, pay. Customer service can take place before this, during, after. Changes in CSS level affect total logistics cost. Next slide CSS High, Low.Cost Low/High – the higher the customer service level, the higher the cost. No ship should wait in port for more than 3 hours. This will cost a lot of money – will have to build more berths. Define customer service level. T ry to minimize total cost based on this pre-condition. Why CSS level increase and inventory level affected. The higher the CSS, the higher the inventory level. Goal: increased SSL, so high inventory level. It's a decision the company makes – customer service level is very important. (Refers to graph on the right) Try to find a way to push the line by introducing a better way of production e. . Using IT, new production method. Reduce cost but still satisfy goal – IT, use better system. Next slide: industry norm, etc. Customer's response to stock out. Is a risk being run of losing the customer? All different ways to define the customer service level. KIT System Developed by Toyota. Called the Kanata system. When a container of parts is chosen to be used from inbound stockinet in-out in-out This is the production. Eng the assembly line how do you get different stages to work together in harmony. The system has two cards. KIT works with 2 cards – the move cards and the production cards. Hen you see the move card, time to move the container or the other card, time to produce. Work centre 1 the card moves along the production line from one work centre to the next. Toyota manage to have minimum inventory along the assembly line. They have one container of part. Cards are turning around and the parts are being moved from one centre to another. For logistics a better understanding of Just in time is very important. 9 Cot 2008 There are two circulations of cards. How do the 2 circulations make the KIT system work? Why does it work? Key elements: to reduce inventory therefore reduces the capital tied up in inventory.Planning, staff commitment including suppliers, suppliers' ability to meet the demand. Some inventory is kept because there is a container. One piece at a time is being used from the container so the rest must be inventory. What is the average inventory? What is the customer requirement? It's the size of the container. The container is fu ll – how big is the container. How is the size of the container defined? The size of the container is planned based on production. Supply 20 units at the beginning and then it's consumed and a new container comes. The container is consumed during a cycle. The cycle is the time needed.The average inventory is a half of the container what ever the amount it contains. Typical KIT, there should be no inventory so why is inventory kept? When we need egg rice why don't we get exactly that? Other costs would increase too much. KIT – to keep as little inventory as possible. The size of the container depends on what? Transportation two don't match then the size of the container needs to be changed. If the transport sakes more time then increase the size of the container and vice versa. Transport time important. Volvo had KIT between Gent and Mammal. How much inventory should be in the Volvo factory in inventory?A lot. Why? Engine parts are made in Sweden to be used in Belgium. This transport takes one week by ship. As it takes one week, there should at least be spare parts for one week. Toyota has KIT. In the city of Toyota in Japan within 30 kilometers of the factory all Toyota parts are made there. This is the perfect KIT system. KIT emphasizes the reliability of the transport system. The two containers must have the same matching size. If parts can't be produced in time, the cart must be moved earlier. At the moment one container is taken to the in stock point, another container load of part should be produced.Suppose the production takes more time than when one cart comes back? Egg. If production takes 20 hours, parts can be made in 10 hrs. The time information is sent – information flow is the key. Plan to know how long production will take. In Japan, transport is guaranteed (Toyota). What is supplier commitment? Shortcomings of the KIT system? Now we assume we only need 20 parts in 10 hours, how about if the demand change and we need 30 parts in 10 hours. If the speed of production is variable the whole system is challenged. If the demand is certain/flexed then it can be planned – production rate and transportation.But what if production rate changes? This is a challenge for some of the production down the line that may need more time and material which might have to come from far. Not easy to adjust production. Shortcomings: Does only one supplier have to be used with KIT? No, Honda uses more than one supplier. In KIT, anything that goes wrong will collapse the entire system. In KIT the entire chain has to be KIT, it can't be at only one stage of the production. If not it forces other suppliers downs the line to keep inventory. KIT of big companies push inventory down the line if the don't plan effectively.Because smaller suppliers want to satisfy big companies, they are forced to keep inventory. KIT has to be along the entire supply chain. KIT may be only at the very large suppliers who push the inventory down the line to smaller suppliers. Toyota case: 1/52 weeks car production stopped because of a fire at one supplier – ripple effect. The decision of Toyota to do nothing was based on the total minimum cost of they did various studies. CCITT Case: The reliability of transportation and the uncertainty factors make logistics system key. The importance of information. Logistics concept drivers enablers, under total cost and customer level.KIT will never work without IT. Everything works together with IT supporting the processes under total cost and customer level. The process, concept or IT cannot work separately. Information is critical for success as well as the reliability of demand. Forecast and planning important to know when demand change. Transportation is also important for this system. If the transport distance is long, the container has to be big. The size of the container is influenced by time (transport). Transport is via sea – only use air in case of emergency. If transport takes a long time or is unreliable then more inventory needs to be kept.Gent is the biggest Volvo manufacturer. Terrines transport the parts from Sweden to Belgium. The shorter the interval of the shipping service, the lower the level of inventory required. This can make the transport expensive. So it's the total cost that is important that will Supply chain 2 definitions (see slide): it's a network, not port to port. In logistics there is no procurement. The 2 key words in logistics are flow and storage. Supply chain includes manufacture. Transformation = manufacturing. 1st law of dynamics – don't create anything, only change the form. Supply chain includes much more than logistics.Logistics narrowly defined. Supply chain is broader. Procurement also concerned with about origin of the goods. Optimization Integration Collaboration Synchronization Optimization – optimize one stage, the entire thing is not optimized so integration has to take place then consol idation then synchronization (concerted manner, happening in the same time). Relationship along supply chain. Start from optimization to synchronization. The idea of supply chain is relatively recent compared to logistics. 1960/ass people start to talk about total cost. E. G. In stage one warehousing and transport are separate functions.Management focus was operations performance. No integration. Logistics integrated both to see how they can be optimized. This is called total cost management. So the focus changed to optimizing total cost and customer service. Customer service put together with cost. Organization design is a centralized function. 80,s integrated logistics function. This moved today to supply chain MGM. Put logistics together to get supply chain. Supply chain broader than logistics. Stage 1 -separately treated, not optimized. Optimization done within the company. Optimize internal functions – transportation and inventory.Intra company and intra functional. This function is a logistics function. The logistics function today is moving still in the company but inter functional. Everything in the company put together – integration. Toyota inter company – higher level of integration. Toyota owns the supplier – easier to do KIT. Companies are integrated supply chain – Inter company and inter functional. Dell and their suppliers are integrated. Also Wall-Mart. The producers don't take orders from Wall-Mart – the ‘cards' in KIT comes from individual supermarkets. Producers can check storage level of Wall-Mart outlets.Everything is totally integrated. No personal intervention to place order etc. The system is integrated – good supply chain – inter company. Next Slide From fragmented logistics to integrated supply chain. In the fist stage do one function at a time – inventory or warehouse or transport. In the later stage, intra functional – the whole function optimized. From fragm ented logistics to integrated SCM. Suppliers, manufacturer, distributor, retailer, customer are all integrated with he other functions in the company and go to the next stage you integrate between the functions in the companies and between the companies.This is interception and will become in the true sense a supply chain. Supply chain broader today than the logistics. SC have to work with other companies. To satisfy your customers require more than one company: need supplier, manufacturer, distributor, and retailer. E. G. Markers – their system integrated with some of their key customers – key client management. Copra's definition of supply chain. Within an organization there is a supply chain. Egg. WHOM, teaching, supply services, library, canteen, etc. Al depots. Work together to satisfy customer. SC decisions – have to have supply chain design and strategy.Strategic level, medium term, short term – operational, daily and based on the company's competi tive strategy. Michael porter: define competitive strategy in terms of product differentiation or cost cutting leadership. How to achieve strategy: SC strategy. Balance bet. Efficiency and responsiveness. How to respond to demand? Efficiency includes cost-effectiveness, I. E. Cheap. Fast response – this is provided at a cost. Efficiency might compromise cost. Decision making is from lower level to higher. Many competitive strategies come from SC strategy. Wall-Mart is from logistics.Dell is from Supply chain Beer game: Once demand is variable SC difficult to maintain. KIT difficult to maintain. Long time to reach an equilibrium. In the end have to keep large inventory. Once demand is unstable KIT is not suitable. SC Design. Planning is important. SC design is about planning. When suppliers design their supply chain maritime and port services is a part of that. So mapping is important. Stockholders point is storage. Horizontal line represents move. When it stops – verti cal lines = storage or waiting. Egg. BBC container tracking. This is SC mapping.Horizontal line is lead-time (time from production centre 1 to production centre 2). Lead time depends on inventory to determine when order is to be placed. SC starts from the fiber and end with the clothes on the shelf. Through this we see pipeline length and volume. E. G, coca cola. Postponement of safety stock What is postponement? H and Ezra – they use postponement principle. Clothes must be in fashion. Don't know faction of 09. Try to postpone as much as possible the manufacturing time. Forecast, ii, postpone. Dell also uses this strategy. Don't develop their machines until last moment.Can use the latest technology and the price gets cheaper. Anticipate time needed and kind of product needed. Decision is postponed to the last moment. Postponement principle can reduce stock. Has bearing on transport too. Better information flow will impact SC. Next slide Sometimes for material flow speed might not be appreciated. Transport is used as storage to adjust transport time to match with performance. Sometimes it's because of the price. E. G. Iron ore in China, there is too much now. Information speed is always good but for material sometimes it needs to be fast and other times not so fast.Compression of lead-time in manufacturing activity. Supply chain map – length (vertical) volume (horizontal) – try to compress it to see possibilities to reduce some of the variable. Ocean transport can't be adjusted as speed can't be reduced. SC design. Lead-time is transport. Port of Amsterdam case study summary Market research – likelihood to attract new carriers / guarantee – balance and supply (elasticity). When port built no congestion in Europe – more port than ships. Impossible to get firm commitment – plenty choices. More supply than demand. Demand price inelastic. Shipping companies never give guarantees.Optimization, integration, collaborati on, synchronization. Have to synchronize. Increase speed of one operations but the speed of other things remained unchanged. No synchronization. If the discharged boxes cannot be moved this is a logistics problem. The concept of logistics: most important – total cost. Port of Amsterdam forgot total cost. Typical failure case that should never have been done. Restricted berths – bigger ships cannot fit in today – size is restrictive. How wide and long should ship be. (Panama Canal has size restriction and is thus a constraint – ships in the Asian Logistic: Inventory and Total Logistics Cost Supply chain is a network of logistic systems. Logistics concerns one company's system. Supply chain includes different companies. E. G. Dell computer – the logistics is Just their company but the supply chain includes all the part suppliers. Their logistics system is a part of dells supply chain. It includes also the retailers and supplier. Other company's logistics included in Dell's supply chain. Logistics is an early version of the supply chain. Logistics originated in the US military. Flow of cargo (people, weapon in war is logistics. ) Organizing a course/seminar – logistics needed for success.Today all the successful companies find their competitiveness from logistics, not from the product itself. E. G. Walter (retailer, wholesaler, supermarket chain) – their competitive edge comes from logistics. They are not selling anything different from others. They have a superior logistics system. Logistics make them succeed. Dell also, service is good, price attrac tive – success comes from logistics. Another definition people define logistics differently but they mean the same thing. Slide Logistics/Concept 4 Instead of saying process, they say optimization, etc. Process of location.Says movement and storage of resources instead of saying goods/services and information. They call logistic activities economic activities. Transport is one of then, port services, production, storage, distribution, etc. – take place bet. The point of origin and point of destination and consumption. Logistics is about the 5 RSI. What are the 5 RSI? Logistics is about getting right goods at right place at right time in right form at right price. Military is really about this. In commercial entities we emphasize on the price a lot. This is also the definition of logistics.Right goods, right in quality in correct quantity. Different level of logistics. In-bound, out-bound logistics. Logistics of production (table, book, car, etc. ), there are two levels of logistics. Logistics within the production process – in the factory. How do you optimize the production within the factory? We call this operational logistics or workers together. How do you put temporary storage along the assembly line? All this is logistics. E. G. WHIM library – lack of space. How to maximize space? Library space layout. It's about logistics. Different factories have different layouts – this is logistics.We are interested in logistics before the production starts. The cargo coming into the factory and when the production is finished, the cargo moving out to the next step – all towards the final consumption. This is what we call in-bound and out-bound logistics. This is what we are interested in. Maritime transport takes part in inbound and out-bound logistics than for production logistics. We are interested in how to move material to production and from production to consumers. When we try to understand logistics, we look at some lo gistics questions for example a typical question is about where to find the raw material needed.Raw material may be in different places. Some places might have different quality and prices. The difference between that place and the production might be different and therefore remonstration time and cost might be different. Where to find energy supply? Labor supply? Should you move your factory offshore to benefit cheap labor? If you do that be careful that higher prices might have to be paid on other services for example transportation. Where to set up production bases? In shipping, where should the port be located? Where to build warehouse and distribution centre. E. . Toyota car has their distribution centre for the Nordic countries at the port of Mammal. Before that they had centre in all the countries. So many distribution centre, different logistics cost than if there is a concentration of activities. Where to have branch organizations? The answers consider a lot of activities i ncluding transportation. We are in maritime transport so we are affected by the customers decision. Other types of logistics questions for ex. How to transport from A to B and choice of transport mode – air sea, road. Egg. Oslo to Mammal – road, sea. Air, rail.Different modes of transport have different logistics implications. Ex field trips – logistics question, how to transport students – sea (too long), air, road, rail. How to transport container? Hub and spoke – benefit from economies of scale. More cargo handling costs. The best solution must be a logistics solution. Best way to transport cargo from A to B. Flow and storage from point of origin to destination to comply with customers' requirement. Moving from A to B different options – different solution. When should transport start – how long should it take. Route? Storage? How, when needed?Mat of cargo to be transported at one time? Economies of scale? Packing needed? Logistics is everywhere. Farmer from southern Sweden – buy fertilizer in Sweden, buy from Germany (expensive land transport), buy from US where its much cheaper, but he has to pay more transportation cost. Where to find the material? Emphasis is on maritime transport – movement of goods. Shipping co. Transport goods – need info to do so. Port and shipping concerned with flow and storage of goods. October 28, 2008 Session 2 Slide Logistics/Concept 9 There always has to be a logistics concept. And a logistics concept is what?It's about total cost concept. This is the most important concept. It looks easy but total cost concept is not always observed, so people make mistakes as a result. It is a customer service requirement. Logistics concept is also about outsourcing, integration, global about concept, it is also about processes. The processes we call drivers. It drives the logistics process. It can't all be about concept. It has to be something tangible. Logistics is abou t processes. We are doing these everyday, ex. Manufacturing and transportation, distribution, inventory control, procurement.These are all activities, but the difference between these and logistics are that we are doing these in an integrated manner under the concept of logistics. So we have the concept and the drivers. The difference between these activities and logistics, we are doing them under the total cost and the customer service concept, so this is relatively new. Third is IT. We call IT enablers – that enables us to do the processes under the concept of logistics. Sometimes we can't do the processes (drivers) without IT. Ex. Dell computers. They obtained their competitive edge from logistics.Logistics means to get a computer from the production to the customers without any retailers. No middlemen. Order online, design own computer. The aim of logistics is to minimize the total cost. Can only do this with IT tools. So the three components have to come together using t he IT tools. We need to understand the role of IT in the whole process. Ex. Just in Time system. This is Inventory control under the concept of egoistic using information technology. The 3 components have to work together. How do we take all these functions (MFC, transportation, distribution, warehousing, etc. In an integrated manner under the concept of logistics using IT tools. Ex. Individual delivery. Concept is to minimize total cost. Total cost is manufacturing, transport, didst. , etc. How do we minimize that? Use IT. Dell used IT to find out that their total cost will be minimized if they cut out the middle man. IT enables the cutting out of the middle man. Good online service. Shipping line is not making anything – it is a part of transport. Shipping companies as a company have logistics problems also. Shipping has a double role to play.Shipping is a part of the logistics chain of a customer, but at the same time they have their own logistics problem. Shipping's logis tics problems include arranging bunkers, choosing port of call, types of service to provide, empty container management, repositioning of containers, terminal logistics, fleet logistics, agency logistics, but shipping as a service provider is part of the logistics of customers. Ex. KEA – furniture maker – shipping important. Shipping has a double role to play. Ex. Wimp's logistics service. Logistics in third world countries is not good enough. Read World Bank Report.The three components of logistics are important. Dell manages their total cost through logistics, so does Wall-Mart. All the processes have to be IT enabled. Control-implementation-control. HP has a fixed model on the shelf. Dell, make your own – different customer service. One is enabled by IT. Logistics has 3 components – concept, process, IT. Slide logistics/Concept 10 Supply chain – different sources to choose from. Take one then the next step and the next. This is the flow of cargo from origin to destination – the flow of information from user to origin. Information flow and cargo flow go in opposite directions.Ex. Dell – the information goes from the customer to Dell and the cargo from Dell to the customer. How will the producer know what kind of products the consumer will need? The consumer will have to tell. Opposite directions. Dell transport one computer to each customer so the customer pays more for transportation, but other costs like the shops and overhead related costs do not exist. If we compare this cost with the cost is very important. Total cost concept can be better understood by looking at slide Logistics/Concept 1 1 . This is a Total cost in Logistics and Supply Chain System.Marketing and logistics are closely related. This picture is very true. What is marketing? It is about the 4 As – product, price, promotion, place. So in this marketing there is one component about place which is about logistics. In the logistics about the place and the customer service (where the customer wants the cargo to be) and there are other cost elements. Ex. Related to place, transport cost has to be incurred – also warehousing cost, flow and storage. Other costs like inventory costs will be incurred. What is the difference between inventory cost and warehousing cost – inventory cost for keeping goods in stock).Inventory cost is the value of the goods. Books for new WHIM students – cost of book (inventory) plus storage (warehousing). Processing and information cost – each time we order, we have to follow procedure, fill in forms, etc. Processing cost can be high. Egg. When we are transporting our boxes home, have to have bill of lading. This has a cost (processing and information cost). Lot quantity cost – economies of scale. Purchasing/transporting/buying a big amount and will benefit from economies of scale, this is called lot quantities. Put all these 5 elements together and this is total cost.The objective of logistics is not to optimize a cost element, it's not to minimize a cost element, but rather to optimize the total cost and minimize the total cost. Minimize the total cost – this is what logistics is all about. This is easier said than done. KIT, the idea is to reduce the inventory cost to zero if possible. At the same time warehousing cost is being reduced – this is a good system. What other cost will be affected – transport cost. All these cost elements are interrelated and interdependent. So interaction and interdependence are also important.Change of inventory will affect transport cost, lot quantity cost, etc. KIT system for example – daily consumption of rice. Let's say we eat egg of rice each time. Based on KIT, each time we need rice, we should buy only egg. Do we do this? No, then against KIT principle. We buy 200 kilos – 2 cost occur – inventory cost and the money spent on the rice cannot be used (capit al tied up – cash flow problem). If this money was put in the bank it would generate some interest. Where is the rice put? The place occupied by the rice can't be used for something else.In production if you buy too much to get economies of scale from purchasing, we'll incur a high inventory cost. If we are not buying kilos, we buy a quantity in between – say 2 kilo. Optimal total cost. If we buy egg each time inventory cost is zero – have to buy each time we need to cost. That is time and transport cost. Lot quantity cost will change as there is no savings to be got through economies of scale. And each time we buy there are other costs like information and processing (maybe not in the case of rice, but generally). Put all these costs together, and find a good place in between. We do this by Cost Trade-off.Cost Trade Off Slide Ex. Manufacturing activity involves making projectors in Mammal, Sweden and need to supply them to the rest of Europe. No distribution ce ntre, or warehouses, or depots, o because we cover the entire Europe, each time we have an order from someplace in Europe, we pack the projector and send it off. What do we save – inventory, we do not keep inventory. What do we have to spend more – transportation cost will be very expensive. We therefore have to find out if we have a warehouse somewhere in them from Mammal to the customer; we send it from that storage which is closer so we save transportation cost.How many such warehouses we need to cover Europe? It depends on the elements: transport, inventory, lot quantity, warehouse costs. In optimizing all these costs together is a logistics decision. Ex. In the case of the depots, we might have 8, 10, 12 to cover the entire Europe. What cost elements we have in the case of the distribution of projectors in Europe. First the systems cost, the processing and information cost. When there is a centre there needs to be a computer system, a financial system, etc. If the re is no centre, the system cost is very low.The more centre, the higher the system cost and this is a storage cost. If there is only one storage at the headquarters in Mammal, the cost would be relatively low. As the numbers of depots are being increased the storage cost will be very high. Inventory cost – more depots, more stock – higher inventory cost. Trucking cost – tree has trunk and branches. Trunk means main transportation, branches mean local delivery. Transport cargo from production to main distribution centre = trunk transport and then from distribution centre to each individual apartments = local delivery.Trucking cost – the more centre, the more trucking cost. If there are no depots, each time to ship from mammal to each individual location will be very high. The more depots, the less the local delivery cost will be. The total distribution cost is the addition of all cost, this is what we call total logistics cost. When we have the total logi stics cost curve it corresponds to the number 8 meaning there should be eight distribution centre. So this is the solution – 8 centre. As costs change, oil, etc, the optimal numbers of centre will change. Its not static, its dynamic (the Total Didst. Curve).Logistics – one has to plan, implement, control. If the individual costs are changed then total cost will be different – high/low. E. G. If the interest becomes low – inventory cost will be affected as the capital will become cheap. If oil cost increase, interest rate decrease – could end up with more centre which means saving more rainspout cost, esp.. Local delivery cost. Transport cost in total will be less. Inventory cost is dependent on interest rates. May have 9/10 depots. # of depots depend on cost elements. Cost trade off is important. With depots total cost is lower, so this will save cost.Having depot is a cost but the cost is lower than not to have them. E. G. KEA used to rent warehou ses, now they build – benefit of depreciation. Next Slide Logistics cost in the USA Logistics cost include transportation cost, inventory, warehousing, distributing, etc. How much logistics cost people pay as a percentage of a country GAP – 10% in the US. Inventory cost increase faster than the transportation cost bet. 1980 and 2005- why? Better inventory control, interest rate lower so inventory cost lower. Interest was low in the rest of the world until about 2005. Deflation = lower inventory cost.In other countries this percentage is much higher. China – 18% of GAP spent on logistics (used to be 20%). China is more representative of developing countries. So in developing countries logistics systems are not as efficient as those in industrialized countries. 9. 5% is similar in Europe and Japan (COED countries). In developing countries it's much higher. Includes all logistics cost element – transport, inventory, etc. – big room for improvement. Ne xt slide Customer service is another concept. Customer service is the output of logistic based, performance-based, philosophy based.Activity based e. G. After sales service, marketing, public relations. Performance based – what is the standard? Ex. Dell computer is performance based, delivered in 48 hours – performance-based customer service. Can be measured. Ex. , ports – waiting time for ships – rush. Philosophy based on what customers require is the customer service – according to customers taste – before, during, and after transaction. What is transaction? Buy goods, pay. Customer service can take place before this, during, after. Changes in CSS level affect total logistics cost. Next slide CSS High, Low.Cost Low/High – the higher the customer service level, the higher the cost. No ship should wait in port for more than 3 hours. This will cost a lot of money – will have to build more berths. Define customer service level. T ry to minimize total cost based on this pre-condition. Why CSS level increase and inventory level affected. The higher the CSS, the higher the inventory level. Goal: increased SSL, so high inventory level. It's a decision the company makes – customer service level is very important. (Refers to graph on the right) Try to find a way to push the line by introducing a better way of production e. . Using IT, new production method. Reduce cost but still satisfy goal – IT, use better system. Next slide: industry norm, etc. Customer's response to stock out. Is a risk being run of losing the customer? All different ways to define the customer service level. KIT System Developed by Toyota. Called the Kanata system. When a container of parts is chosen to be used from inbound stockinet in-out in-out This is the production. Eng the assembly line how do you get different stages to work together in harmony. The system has two cards. KIT works with 2 cards – the move cards and the production cards. Hen you see the move card, time to move the container or the other card, time to produce. Work centre 1 the card moves along the production line from one work centre to the next. Toyota manage to have minimum inventory along the assembly line. They have one container of part. Cards are turning around and the parts are being moved from one centre to another. For logistics a better understanding of Just in time is very important. 9 Cot 2008 There are two circulations of cards. How do the 2 circulations make the KIT system work? Why does it work? Key elements: to reduce inventory therefore reduces the capital tied up in inventory.Planning, staff commitment including suppliers, suppliers' ability to meet the demand. Some inventory is kept because there is a container. One piece at a time is being used from the container so the rest must be inventory. What is the average inventory? What is the customer requirement? It's the size of the container. The container is fu ll – how big is the container. How is the size of the container defined? The size of the container is planned based on production. Supply 20 units at the beginning and then it's consumed and a new container comes. The container is consumed during a cycle. The cycle is the time needed.The average inventory is a half of the container what ever the amount it contains. Typical KIT, there should be no inventory so why is inventory kept? When we need egg rice why don't we get exactly that? Other costs would increase too much. KIT – to keep as little inventory as possible. The size of the container depends on what? Transportation two don't match then the size of the container needs to be changed. If the transport sakes more time then increase the size of the container and vice versa. Transport time important. Volvo had KIT between Gent and Mammal. How much inventory should be in the Volvo factory in inventory?A lot. Why? Engine parts are made in Sweden to be used in Belgium. This transport takes one week by ship. As it takes one week, there should at least be spare parts for one week. Toyota has KIT. In the city of Toyota in Japan within 30 kilometers of the factory all Toyota parts are made there. This is the perfect KIT system. KIT emphasizes the reliability of the transport system. The two containers must have the same matching size. If parts can't be produced in time, the cart must be moved earlier. At the moment one container is taken to the in stock point, another container load of part should be produced.Suppose the production takes more time than when one cart comes back? Egg. If production takes 20 hours, parts can be made in 10 hrs. The time information is sent – information flow is the key. Plan to know how long production will take. In Japan, transport is guaranteed (Toyota). What is supplier commitment? Shortcomings of the KIT system? Now we assume we only need 20 parts in 10 hours, how about if the demand change and we need 30 parts in 10 hours. If the speed of production is variable the whole system is challenged. If the demand is certain/flexed then it can be planned – production rate and transportation.But what if production rate changes? This is a challenge for some of the production down the line that may need more time and material which might have to come from far. Not easy to adjust production. Shortcomings: Does only one supplier have to be used with KIT? No, Honda uses more than one supplier. In KIT, anything that goes wrong will collapse the entire system. In KIT the entire chain has to be KIT, it can't be at only one stage of the production. If not it forces other suppliers downs the line to keep inventory. KIT of big companies push inventory down the line if the don't plan effectively.Because smaller suppliers want to satisfy big companies, they are forced to keep inventory. KIT has to be along the entire supply chain. KIT may be only at the very large suppliers who push the inventory down the line to smaller suppliers. Toyota case: 1/52 weeks car production stopped because of a fire at one supplier – ripple effect. The decision of Toyota to do nothing was based on the total minimum cost of they did various studies. CCITT Case: The reliability of transportation and the uncertainty factors make logistics system key. The importance of information. Logistics concept drivers enablers, under total cost and customer level.KIT will never work without IT. Everything works together with IT supporting the processes under total cost and customer level. The process, concept or IT cannot work separately. Information is critical for success as well as the reliability of demand. Forecast and planning important to know when demand change. Transportation is also important for this system. If the transport distance is long, the container has to be big. The size of the container is influenced by time (transport). Transport is via sea – only use air in case of emergency. If transport takes a long time or is unreliable then more inventory needs to be kept.Gent is the biggest Volvo manufacturer. Terrines transport the parts from Sweden to Belgium. The shorter the interval of the shipping service, the lower the level of inventory required. This can make the transport expensive. So it's the total cost that is important that will Supply chain 2 definitions (see slide): it's a network, not port to port. In logistics there is no procurement. The 2 key words in logistics are flow and storage. Supply chain includes manufacture. Transformation = manufacturing. 1st law of dynamics – don't create anything, only change the form. Supply chain includes much more than logistics.Logistics narrowly defined. Supply chain is broader. Procurement also concerned with about origin of the goods. Optimization Integration Collaboration Synchronization Optimization – optimize one stage, the entire thing is not optimized so integration has to take place then consol idation then synchronization (concerted manner, happening in the same time). Relationship along supply chain. Start from optimization to synchronization. The idea of supply chain is relatively recent compared to logistics. 1960/ass people start to talk about total cost. E. G. In stage one warehousing and transport are separate functions.Management focus was operations performance. No integration. Logistics integrated both to see how they can be optimized. This is called total cost management. So the focus changed to optimizing total cost and customer service. Customer service put together with cost. Organization design is a centralized function. 80,s integrated logistics function. This moved today to supply chain MGM. Put logistics together to get supply chain. Supply chain broader than logistics. Stage 1 -separately treated, not optimized. Optimization done within the company. Optimize internal functions – transportation and inventory.Intra company and intra functional. This function is a logistics function. The logistics function today is moving still in the company but inter functional. Everything in the company put together – integration. Toyota inter company – higher level of integration. Toyota owns the supplier – easier to do KIT. Companies are integrated supply chain – Inter company and inter functional. Dell and their suppliers are integrated. Also Wall-Mart. The producers don't take orders from Wall-Mart – the ‘cards' in KIT comes from individual supermarkets. Producers can check storage level of Wall-Mart outlets.Everything is totally integrated. No personal intervention to place order etc. The system is integrated – good supply chain – inter company. Next Slide From fragmented logistics to integrated supply chain. In the fist stage do one function at a time – inventory or warehouse or transport. In the later stage, intra functional – the whole function optimized. From fragm ented logistics to integrated SCM. Suppliers, manufacturer, distributor, retailer, customer are all integrated with he other functions in the company and go to the next stage you integrate between the functions in the companies and between the companies.This is interception and will become in the true sense a supply chain. Supply chain broader today than the logistics. SC have to work with other companies. To satisfy your customers require more than one company: need supplier, manufacturer, distributor, and retailer. E. G. Markers – their system integrated with some of their key customers – key client management. Copra's definition of supply chain. Within an organization there is a supply chain. Egg. WHOM, teaching, supply services, library, canteen, etc. Al depots. Work together to satisfy customer. SC decisions – have to have supply chain design and strategy.Strategic level, medium term, short term – operational, daily and based on the company's competi tive strategy. Michael porter: define competitive strategy in terms of product differentiation or cost cutting leadership. How to achieve strategy: SC strategy. Balance bet. Efficiency and responsiveness. How to respond to demand? Efficiency includes cost-effectiveness, I. E. Cheap. Fast response – this is provided at a cost. Efficiency might compromise cost. Decision making is from lower level to higher. Many competitive strategies come from SC strategy. Wall-Mart is from logistics.Dell is from Supply chain Beer game: Once demand is variable SC difficult to maintain. KIT difficult to maintain. Long time to reach an equilibrium. In the end have to keep large inventory. Once demand is unstable KIT is not suitable. SC Design. Planning is important. SC design is about planning. When suppliers design their supply chain maritime and port services is a part of that. So mapping is important. Stockholders point is storage. Horizontal line represents move. When it stops – verti cal lines = storage or waiting. Egg. BBC container tracking. This is SC mapping.Horizontal line is lead-time (time from production centre 1 to production centre 2). Lead time depends on inventory to determine when order is to be placed. SC starts from the fiber and end with the clothes on the shelf. Through this we see pipeline length and volume. E. G, coca cola. Postponement of safety stock What is postponement? H and Ezra – they use postponement principle. Clothes must be in fashion. Don't know faction of 09. Try to postpone as much as possible the manufacturing time. Forecast, ii, postpone. Dell also uses this strategy. Don't develop their machines until last moment.Can use the latest technology and the price gets cheaper. Anticipate time needed and kind of product needed. Decision is postponed to the last moment. Postponement principle can reduce stock. Has bearing on transport too. Better information flow will impact SC. Next slide Sometimes for material flow speed might not be appreciated. Transport is used as storage to adjust transport time to match with performance. Sometimes it's because of the price. E. G. Iron ore in China, there is too much now. Information speed is always good but for material sometimes it needs to be fast and other times not so fast.Compression of lead-time in manufacturing activity. Supply chain map – length (vertical) volume (horizontal) – try to compress it to see possibilities to reduce some of the variable. Ocean transport can't be adjusted as speed can't be reduced. SC design. Lead-time is transport. Port of Amsterdam case study summary Market research – likelihood to attract new carriers / guarantee – balance and supply (elasticity). When port built no congestion in Europe – more port than ships. Impossible to get firm commitment – plenty choices. More supply than demand. Demand price inelastic. Shipping companies never give guarantees.Optimization, integration, collaborati on, synchronization. Have to synchronize. Increase speed of one operations but the speed of other things remained unchanged. No synchronization. If the discharged boxes cannot be moved this is a logistics problem. The concept of logistics: most important – total cost. Port of Amsterdam forgot total cost. Typical failure case that should never have been done. Restricted berths – bigger ships cannot fit in today – size is restrictive. How wide and long should ship be. (Panama Canal has size restriction and is thus a constraint – ships in the Asian
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