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Segments of Economy Essay Human exercises which produce pay are known as financial exercises. All the monetary exercises are characterize...
Sunday, December 29, 2019
Comparison William Jennings Bryan Theodore Roosevelt
The United States has a long history of great leaders who, collectively, have possessed an even wider range of religious and political convictions. Perhaps not unexpectedly, their beliefs have often been in conflict with one another, both during coinciding eras, as well as over compared generations. The individual philosophies of William Jennings Bryan, Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, with regard to America’s roles in world affairs and foreign diplomacy; are both varied and conflicted. Despite those conflicts however, each leader has left his own legacy behind, in terms of how the U.S. continues to engage in world affairs today. William Jennings Bryan, despite being a thrice-failed presidential candidate, was a well respected†¦show more content†¦However, once the Spanish had withdrawn, he felt it was imperative that the Philippines be left to self-rule. (Though, that is of course, not how it ended up!) Bryan stated outright that continued U.S. involvement in â€Å"a career of empire†violated the very essence of American values; boldly asserting that the U.S. â€Å"cannot repudiate the principle of self-government in the Philippines without weakening that principal [at home]†. (Bryan, â€Å"Imperialism†). In many ways Bryan was ahead of his times, and became one of the first to develop the policy of â€Å"international peacekeeping†, in helping to mediate the end of the Russo-Japanese war (though, the Nobel peace Prize for this accomplishment would go to someone else). Ironically, it seemed as though Bryan’s interest in maintaining peace and neutrality in world a ffairs (to KEEP American’s focus on issues at home) overshadowed his noble efforts to promote ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’ domestically. Ultimately, this (along with his conservative religious views) caused him to lose the last of his three attempts at presidency, to William McKinley. Upon McKinley’s assassination, a (relatively) young Theodore Roosevelt found himself in the position of President of the United States. A man of action – perhaps unnecessary action- Roosevelt was unafraid of the political consequences of his bold and often unilateral decision making, both domestically and abroad. U.S. governance in the Philippines had alreadyShow MoreRelatedThe Whig Theory And The Federalist Party1823 Words  | 8 Pagesforbidden by the constitution. There were a few presidents that supported both theories but I am only going to focus on one for each. For the Whig theory I will discuss the Taft administration, and for the Stewardship theory I will discuss the Theodore Roosevelt administration. Taft believed that the president should rely on the guidance of congress and that congress should have most of the power. He said himself, â€Å"The true view of the executive function†¦is that the President can exercise no powerRead MoreEssay about History: World War I and Bold Experiments7600 Words  | 31 Pagesof Industrialization, 1877–1929 ECONOMY POLItICS aND LaW rEFOrM CULtUrE FOrEIGN rELatIONS 1870 Economic depression of 1870s Reconstruction ends (1877) Great Railroad National Strike of 1877 league launches professional baseball (1876) William Dean Howells calls for realism in literature (1881) Treaty brings Hawaii within U.S. orbit 1880 First vertically Era of close integrated party comfirms petition, 1876 –1894 Rockefeller establishes Chinese Standard Oil exclusion Trust (1882 –1943)
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Discrimination and Special Educational Needs Essay
Explain expectations about own work role as expressed in relevant standards Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 Amended the Race Relations Act 1976 to include a statutory duty on public bodies to promote race equality, good relations between different ethnic groups, and to demonstrate effectiveness of anti-discrimination procedures. In 2003 additional regulations also outlawed certain forms of discrimination due to religious belief. Race Relations Act1976 Outlaws discrimination of the grounds of race, colour, nationality, ethnic and national origin in employment, the provision of goods and services, education and public functions. Incorporates the earlier Race Relations Act 1965 and Race Relations Act 1968. Employment Equality†¦show more content†¦These 14 standards were superseded by the EYFS following the Childcare Act 2006. Disability Discrimination Act 1995 Employers and those providing services must make reasonable adjustments to their services to ensure that they are not discriminating against disabled people. Education providers were exempt, prompting discussion about continued tolerance of discrimination against children and young people. Education Act 1996 Introduced the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice. In this, schools are required to develop a Special Educational Needs policy and appoint a Special Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) to identify and assess special educational needs, keep a register of children with SEN and work cooperatively with parents and other professionals. Amended in 2001 (Special Educational Needs Code of Practice 2001) private nurseries and accredited childminders, amongst other groups, must â€Å"have regard†to the Code of Practice. Education Act 1981 Imposed the first obligations on Local Education Authorities to educate disabled children in mainstream schools. Introduced concept of â€Å"special educational needs†, and described a lengthy assessment procedure that took parents’ views into account. Children Act 1989 Children’s welfare declared to be â€Å"paramount†. Local authorities must promote the welfare of children in need (including children with disabilities) and provideShow MoreRelatedTda 2.4 Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Work with Children and Young People1458 Words  | 6 PagesChild (1989). These rights are extensive, including the right to education and the right for children and young people to have their views respected. The Children Act 1989 sets out the duty of local authorities to provide services according to the needs of all children and young people. 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Children’sRead MoreEquality Diversity and Inclusion in Work with Children and Young People956 Words  | 4 Pagesindividuals and have individual rights; this is not the same as assuming that all children are the same. It is the policy, currently, to include all children in mainstream education so long as the curriculum can be adapted to suit an individual pupils needs. However there is no some thinking that this is not the best way forward, and perhaps SEN pupils should not be taught alongside mainstream pupils? This is something beyond the control of the school and would be set in legislation higher up in governmentRead MoreWhat Does Inclusive Education Means? Essay1626 Words  | 7 Pagesinclusive teachers, we need to first know the student and identify the real reasons for any individual to be classified as having a learning disability. In Australia, teachers must be familiar with the many federal and state laws, regulations, and frameworks, which apply to inclusive education. At a national level, the following Acts and Standards protect students: the Commonwealth (Cwlth) Anti-Discrimination Act 2004; Cwlth Disability Discrimination Act 1992; Racial Discrimination Act 1975; Cwlth SexRead MoreEquality Diversity and Inclusion1616 Words  | 7 PagesIn my opinion living in a diverse society, along with understanding and knowledge is a positive route to acceptance on a variety of levels. When looking at my own life values and experiences I feel that as a person I don’t have prejudices and discrimination, however dependant on circumstances and peers I may on occasion say something deemed to be a prejudice. However the audience I have understand that this isn’t my view and that the reason behind saying something is more as a joke. 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This could be referral to an outside organisation or internally. †¢ Human Rights Act 1998 – is an Act that gives legal effect in the UKRead MoreEssay on Section 504 and The Americans with Disabilities Act951 Words  | 4 Pagesor be subjected to discrimination under any program receiving federal financial assistance. The foundation of the Section 504 is from the language of preceding civil rights laws that sheltered women and minorities. Section recognizes that history proves that humanity has treated people with disabilities as second-class citizens based on previous stereotypes. These types of attitudes have translated into policies based on paternalism. Section has acknowledged the discrimination of many children andRead MoreEquality Diversity Inclusion1538 Words  | 7 Pages1.1 Explain what is meant by. Equality Equality is treating people fairly and making sure that everyone is given a fair chance and that their individual needs are met. 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Friday, December 13, 2019
Is the Best Yet to Come Free Essays
When the problem inside is detected and removed than the external environment can turn back Into stable stage of development. The consultants at McKinney Company suggested to analyses the organization using 7 key elements: ; Structure ; Systems ; Style ; staff ; Skills ; Strategy ; Shared values. [Pl] Source: http://www. We will write a custom essay sample on Is the Best Yet to Come or any similar topic only for you Order Now Middleton. Com/pages/article/newest_91 . HTML As model includes next items: ; Structure: shows the way organization Is structured and Interrelation of business units with each other. It indicates how employees interact with each other within the organization. ; Systems: the practices in which employees participate day-to-day, e. G. Organizational systems, financial systems etc. ; Style: description of the general way of conducting business within the company. Style is rather top-down image than bottom up concerning the top-management ruling the company and analyzing the attitude of deferent level employees on It. ; Staff: refers to the employees within personal development. ; Skills: refers to gained professional abilities of employees within the company. Strategy: the general plan of company’s management to induct its business currently and in the future. Strategy usually is made by corporate level managers to analyze the internal and external environment of the company and respond to changing demand within its specific industry. ; Shared values: refers to the core values of the company, for what it is created and what mission it has in society. In additi on there are also ethics principles serving as the guidelines for the company. Now we will analyze Struck based on McKinney As framework. 1 . Structure The general structure of Struck is very diversified and functional, basically including marketing, HER, CARS, Legal, and Finance etc. Figure 2. Struck’ structure [pick] Source: http://MBA. Tuck. Dartmouth. Deed/PDF/2002-1-0023. PDF Generally speaking, the structure of Struck doesn’t have strict hierarchy and is rather democratic. According to the case, full-time and part-time employees regarded as ‘partners of the company, and every one of them is granted a stock option in proportion to their base pay. In 1991 each partner was granted stock options worth 12% of base pay, and this continued then each October every year. In general the organizational structure is build in order to avoid high turnover rate and reduce staff retention as much as possible. The motivation of employees is high, and Struck’ turnover for store management is about 25%, compared to about 50% for other retail channels. 2. Systems Struck developed outstanding system techniques which helped sustain the leading position in the world among coffee-makers. Its unique system includes: ; Licenses stores and specialty sales licensing agreement, which managed market and distributing whole-bean and round coffees in grocery and mass-merchandise channels across the U. S. At the same time Struck controlled how customers would perceive Struck when they encountered it in grocery aisles. The company also created its own sales group that provided its coffee products to restaurants, airlines, hotels, universities, hospitals, business offices, country clubs and select retailers. ; Purchasing system Struck personnel traveled to coffee-producing countries to build relationships with growers and exporters, searching the sources that would meet its demands on quality and flavor. Because coffee industry depends a lot on weather conditions and different harvests, Struck set up fixed purchasing price to protect itself and get the bargaining power. ; Employee training Struck really believes that reducing the staff retention will help it to build strong brand, because the longer employees stay with the company, the more loyal customers the company will get. That’s why employees were trained and educated about coffee market, and afterwards shared their knowledge with customers. Thus Struck has developed system to build brand loyalty among its customers. Their raining covered also practices as set forth in the company’s operating manual, information systems, and the basis of managing people. 3. Style The managerial style of conducting business in Struck is characterized as oriented on leadership (trust, collaboration, people development, and ethics), creating the opportunities for employees further career development (employees provided with coaching and feedback) and educating style (company raised employees according to personal needs giving them coffee knowledge and expertise seminars). In general Struck is perceived as innovative, team-oriented and strong rand company. 4. Staff As long as Struck expanded internationally, company launched special hired high-motivated people who shared its love for coffee and had strong interest in it along with top-management. This has made Struck really unique and distinctive from its competitors company. In addition employees were guided by three principles: 1) maintain and enhance self-esteem 2) listen and acknowledge 3) ask for help. Thus employees became one of key figures to take part in company’s decision and empowered by top-management. The whole total care of employees has rough Struck reputation of well-respected company and helped it generate high-profit to satisfy shareholders’ needs. 5. Skills The workers of company are quite high skilful due to intensive training and recognition. Every partner/barista received at least 24 hours of training on coffee history, drinks preparation, customer service, coffee knowledge and so on. Customer service: we can see from the case that due to the employee coaching highly knowledgeable staff brought benefit to the company using friendly attitude to every customer, who wanted to come again and again to enjoy a cup of coffee in Struck. Customizing drink to customer specifications: workers were able to prepare grinding beans, steaming milk, learning to pull perfect cup of espresso, memorizing the recipes of different drinks – led to winning the prize among the target market. . Strategy Struck strategy was set up in order to build brand awareness, brand recognition, and brand association among its customers worldwide. Hence main strategies were implemented: A. Employee’s loyalty strategy: core strategy to win employee loyalty and commitment to company’s mission B. Store expansion strategy: choosing the best action in large cities and suburbia, creating best retail team in the coffee bar industry. World expansion has spread to Europe, China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan by 2005 by choosing licensing rather than franchising to tight controlling over its operations. C. Coffee purchasing strategy: Struck relied mostly on direct suppliers from coffee-producing countries rather than on media-suppliers, that helped to reduce costs and make economies of scale D. JP and acquisitions strategy: partnering with famous brands as PepsiCo, Dryer’s Grand Ice Cream Brands generated gross sales of over $8 million annually. Purchasing Ethos Water lead to expanding the line of beverages in the U. S. Overall operations has driven extremely high profit for Struck that achieved its strategic objectives. 7. Shared values Struck positions itself as contributing to the community and to the environment in which it operates. Along with care for employees, building trust and respecting techniques, it also set up one of the best valuable CARS strategy in the world, becoming an environmental leader in all facets of its business. For example using recycling material, avoiding genetically modified ingredients Struck has built a strong belief of customers in healthy products produced by the company. General As analysis shows that Struck doesn’t have any gaps in every sector of McKinney model. The company has very good top-down and bottom-up strategies, ensuring well-being of top-managers, customers and employees. But this analysis is mostly suitable for internal analysis of a company that helps to understand problems, which might appear when industry environment starts to change. How to cite Is the Best Yet to Come, Papers
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Elements of Arts Essay Example For Students
Elements of Arts Essay Line Line is one of the elements of art. You can find lines OHare you look. There are many different kinds of lines. Here are some common lines: ay joining lines together, you can make shapes. Lines can also be used to create textures. Glossary Term: Shape Shape is one of the elements of art. When lines meet, shapes are formed. Shapes are flat. Some shapes are geometric, such as squares, circles, triangles, rectangles, and ovals. Other shapes are organic or irregular. These are geometric shapes. Organic shapes look like things from nature. Glossary Term: Space Space is one of the elements of art. Space is an empty place or surface in or around a work of art. Space can be dimensional, tatterdemalions, negative and/or positive, You can easily see the positive Dawson-Tobago, 1996 and negative space in this sculpture. Public art sculpture (title unknown) by Ace Artists also create positive and negative space in two-dimensional artworks, Glossary Term: Texture Texture is one of the elements of art. Texture is the way something feels when you touch it. Artists also create the illusion of texture in artworks such as paintings, drawings and prints. How would you describe these different textures? Glossary Term: Value Value is the lightness or darkness of a color. You can get different values Of a color by mixing its shades and tints. Principles of Art Glossary Term: Balance Balance is one of the principles of art which describes how artists to create visual weight. Artists think about how to make their works balanced by using elements such as line, shape and color. There are several ways to balance an artwork: Symmetrical (formal) balance means both sides of an imaginary line are the name, Asymmetrical (informal) balance means each side of an imaginary line are different yet equal. Glossary Term: Contrast Contrast is one of the principles of art which creates excitement and interest in artworks. Two things that are very different have a lot of contrast. White and black have the greatest contrast. Complementary colors also have high contrast. Artists use high contrast to make something show up. In Whitfield With Ravens, Vincent van Gogh used high contrast colors to make the yellow wheat fields stand out against the dark blue sky. Glossary Term: unity unity is one of the principles of art. unity is the feeling that everything in the work of art works together and looks like it fits. Gustavo Collegiate used shape to create unity. Repetition of shape and color can make an artwork unified Glossary Term: Variety Variety is one of the principles of art. Variety occurs when an artist creates something that looks different from the rest of the artwork. An artist may use variety to make you look at a certain part or make the artwork more interesting. Jasper Cropper paint ed a large tree to create variety in his landscape, In the Valley,
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