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Business Research Method Women Career Progressionâ€Free Samples
Question: Discuss About the Business Research Method Career Progression? Answer: Introduction To conduct the research on the obstacles women employees face to progress in their career the research needs to be based on a strong methodology and research design. Several research designs are used to reach the goal of research and to effectively address the research objectives. The co-relational research design is primarily used for observational study and specifically in a case-control study, while experimental and semi-experimental study is used to studies with random assignment and assignments with quasi-experiment (Mackey Gass, 2015). Meta-analytic research designs are for meta-analysis studies, descriptive studies are rather observational study describing the characteristics of the problem and exploratory research design is to achieve deep insights on the research problem by analyzing the difficulties faced by the researcher. As for the problem statement of the research, the topic is rather subjective, based on hypotheses and therefore, needs to be explored descriptively. Hence, the researcher will prefer to employ descriptive research method rather than exploratory (Taylor, Bogdan DeVault, 2015). In addition, the primary data collection of the research will be qualitative along with the secondary data gathered from various books, journals and articles. Justification of the Research Design and Data Collection While exploratory design focuses more on the problems and difficulties faced by the researcher and thereafter provides deep insights into them, the descriptive research design aims at illustrating the characteristics and specific nature of the problem stated in detail. Therefore, the research is better to focus on the detailed nature of the obstacles that women face prior and during their employment. Thus, descriptive research design is justified, as it will point out the details of the obstacles that women have actually faced and not the researcher. On the other hand, the research intends to be based on both primary and secondary data. For primary data, the researcher will collect only qualitative data i.e. interviewing the women employees of different companies as well as those women who have been compelled to leave their jobs for various reasons. Apart from this, the interviewer will also seek to understand the perspectives of HR Managers in the organizations about recruiting women employees and what specific strategies they are developing to retain more women employees in the organizations (Burke Mattis, 2013). The secondary data, however, will be collected from the books, journals and articles that are based in the issues of women employees. The principal secondary sources for this research will be: a) Is this a mans world? Obstacles to womens success in male-typed domains, by Suzette Caleo and Madeline E. Heilman. b) Gender in Organizations: Are Men Allies or Adversaries to Women s Career Advancement? by Ronald J. Burke and Debra A. Major. Details of Research Techniques The research techniques that are commonly used to analyze qualitative research are content analysis, grounded analysis, discourse analysis, narrative analysis, conversational analysis and the like. The content analysis method primarily deals with the themes from the data collected, grounded analysis, on the other hand, is the next level of content analysis where the content speaks for itself. Discourse analysis is the approach that considers the social context during the analysis of the conversation, while narrative analysis concentrates on the way in which the interviewees tell their experiences within the society or the organization. Another way of analyzing qualitative data is conversation analysis, i.e. an ethnographic research assuming the patterns of talking are same for every interviewee. Now, for this research content analysis, discourse analysis and narrative analysis are to be employed for an overall understanding of the nature of obstacles women face in their career contex t, considering their social and organizational background. On the other hand, the authentication of secondary data will be accomplished following certain steps, which are determining the original rationale of data, ascertaining the credentials of the data sources, the report or coverage of the document and most importantly considering whether the documents are well referenced. The analysis of secondary data will be based on acceptance or rejection of the hypotheses that the literature review discusses. Criteria for Data Collection Some matters are to be concerned while collecting the data for the research. The researcher will take into account that the data collection procedure is not biased and that the procedures of data collection are completely justifiable. Data will be collected following both communication and observation procedures. While the primary data collection is grounded on communication procedure, secondary data collection is based on the observation method. Sampling Design The sampling method in research has various techniques where the researcher needs to settle the sampling method according to the objectives of the research. Usually, two types of sampling methods are there; probability sampling and another is non-probability sampling. Probability sampling is a particular method that does not provide even and fair chances to all individuals within a specific population to be selected. Contrary to this, non-probability sampling is the method where researcher collects sample randomly and thus, the research is saved from being restricted. Now, for this research, the researcher will choose non-probabilistic sampling to save the study from being biased and to obtain a comprehensive idea of perspectives of every section of the population. Now, sampling error occurs in the cases when the analysis and statistics of the sampling is considered instead of the real but unknown value of the research considerations. Research Ethics It is essential for the research to preserve the credibility of all the sources while conducting the study. Women have been facing numerous obstacles in their careers but while collecting the data the researcher should carefully avoid any instance of bias during accumulation of the response. Maintaining the level of modesty of every interviewee during the interview is also the responsibility of the researcher. In addition, confidentiality about the identity of the participants has to be maintained by the researcher. Besides, for the secondary data collection credibility of the sources needs to be verified. In case of quantitative data collection, the researcher will be adhering to the companies norms and policies in setting the questionnaires and will maintain the secrecy of the participants identities as well Data Analysis: This chapter is going to interpret the retrieved data from the primary as well as the secondary sources. In order to relate to the professional position of the women in the corporate sectors, several working women will be approached as the respondents for the investigation. 15 working women from three different private organizations will be chosen for the survey. In order to retrieve information pertaining to their personal level experience, a set of questionnaire would be dropped randomly to the emails of the targeted employees. These questionnaires look into the matter of the behavior of the people towards the female employees in an organization. The questionnaires constitute close ended questions and the open ended questions would be asked in terms of the qualitative data analysis method. Following questionnaires are going to be dropped to the targeted respondents: Questionnaire 1: Do you agree to the fact that you are highly objectified in your workplace? Option Total number of respondents Number of respondents Average Strongly Agree Agree Moderate Disagree Strongly Disagree Questionnaire 2: Have you ever been couched in your work place in lieu of getting promotional promises? Option Total number of respondents Number of respondents Average Yes No Neutral Questionnaire 3: How do you consider the office culture to be equal in terms of approaching to genders? Option Total number of respondents Number of respondents Average Strongly Agree Agree Moderate Disagree Strongly Disagree Questionnaire 4: Do you agree to the fact that you have the setback in terms of career bulding options as a woman? 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